TUFLOW Message 1178

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 1178 - Reading channel network data. Check 1d_nwk layer has correct attributes.

Alternate Message
ERROR 1178 - Reading 1D network layer. Check 1d_nwk layer has correct attributes.
ERROR 1178 - Reading 1D network layer with extended attributes. Check 1d_nwk layer has correct attributes. Use "Read GIS Network Extended Off == " to use standard attributes.

Message Type

An error has occurred whilst reading 1d network data (1d_nwk). This may occur if the attribute types in the file do not match what TUFLOW is expecting for a 1d_nwk command.
It can also occur if ten or more extended attributes are used, omitting fields from the 1d_nwke layer.

Always use an empty 1d_nwk template file as the GIS entry for 1d_nwk inputs. DO NOT create empty 1d_nwk template files manually yourself. Use either TCF command, Write Empty MI Files == or Write Empty SHP Files == to create these template files. Also, ensure the layer has the correct attributes and ensure that the Read GIS Network == command is only used for network data, not 1D boundary or table links.

If ten or more extended attributes are used omitting fields from 1d_nwke layer, specify Read GIS Network Extended Off == command instead.

Ensure there are no line breaks in the attribute entries. If using shp files, line breaks can be easily found by opening the dbf file in Excel and using the 'Find & Replace' feature. In the 'Find & Replace' window, enter ‘Ctrl + J’ in the ‘Find What’ box – note this box will appear empty.

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