TUFLOW Message 1422

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 1422 - No loss vs height (LC or BG) table or 1d_nwk Form_Loss attribute specified for B bridge channel <channel id>

Alternate Message
ERROR 1422 - No pier losses via LC table or 1d_nwk Form_Loss attribute specified for BB bridge channel <channel id>
ERROR 1422 - No loss vs height (LC or BG) table or 1d_nwk Form_Loss attribute specified for BB bridge channel <channel id>

Message Type

No loss vs height table is specified for a bridge channel (this can occur for a "B" or "BB" type bridge). Please refer to the TUFLOW manual for more details on modelling bridges.

Specify a loss table via a 1d_ta tables or via the 1d_nwk Form_Loss attribute.
Due to the potential for a divide by zero, a zero loss value can not be specified on the 1d_nwk layer if no LC table has been linked. A minimum loss value of 0.01 for B bridges or 0.001 for BB bridges will need to be specified in the 1d_nwk Form_Loss attribute.

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