TUFLOW Rainfall Control File Examples

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This page contains some simple rainfall control file examples.
The Rainfall Control file is referenced in the tcf by the command:
Rainfall Control File == <filename>
The model setup is a very simple square model, with a series of rainfall points within or close to the model area, as shown in the image below. The dashed outline is the TUFLOW model area and the labelled points are the 2d_rf point locations which are labelled by the "Name" attribute.
The purpose of the model is only to demonstrate the point rainfall to gridded rainfall functionality. The rainfall and locations are 100% made up!
Trfcf model overview 01.jpg
The provided rainfall control files, use the same temporal pattern but different depths of rainfall. For the points listed above the rainfall depths are outlined in the tabel below:
Total Rainfall Depths

Boundary Name Total Rainfall Depth (mm)
RF1 30
RF2 60
RF3 90
RF4 120
RF5 150
RF6 180
RF7 210

For each of the interpolation method the total rainfall depth is shown. The colouring is the same for all of these grids, with the legend shown below.
TRFCF Legend.jpg


RF Grid Cell Size == 5 ! sets the output rainfall grid cell size
RF Grid Format == nc ! output in netcdf format

Read GIS RF Points == ..\model\mi\2d_rf_pts_001.MIF

RF Interpolation Method == IDW ! Inverse Distance Weighting
IDW Exponent == 2

TRFCF IDW 001.jpg
The total rainfall depth is shown above for the IDW method, the rainfall points are shown as black dots.


RF Grid Cell Size == 5 ! sets the output rainfall grid cell size
RF Grid Format == nc ! output in netcdf format

Read GIS RF Points == ..\model\mi\2d_rf_pts_001.MIF

RF Interpolation Method == TIN
Read GIS RF Triangle == ..\model\mi\2d_RF_TIN_001.MIF ! GIS layer containing series of triangular polygons

TRFCF TIN 001.jpg
The total rainfall depth is shown above for the IDW method, the rainfall points are shown as black dots and the triangles for the TIN interpolation are shown with a green outline.


Maximum RF Locations == 20 ! Sets the maximum number of rainfall point location
Maximum Hyetograph Points == 100 ! Sets the maximum number of points in the rainfall hyetograph

RF Grid Cell Size == 5 ! sets the output rainfall grid cell size
RF Grid Format == asc ! output as series of ESRI ascii format grids

Read GIS RF Points == ..\model\mi\2d_rf_pts_001.MIF

RF Interpolation Method == Poly
Read GIS RF Polygon == ..\model\mi\2d_RF_Poly_001.MIF

TRFCF Polygon 001.jpg
The total rainfall depth is shown above for the polygon method, the rainfall points are shown as black dots and the rainfall polygons are shown with a green outline.