TUFLOW Training

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Thanks for registering for either our Introductory or Advanced TUFLOW training days. Both days are computer based training that require the use of the following freely available software:

  • QGIS and plugins Crayfish and TuPlot
  • Python
  • The Notepad++ Text Editor
  • The latest TUFLOW Release
  • This page provides instructions on how to install the software and prepare your computer for the training day.

    QGIS Install

    We are going to install QGIS through the OSGeo4W installer package that will also install the Python libraries we will need for viewing results during our training session.

    Please click here to download the installer and save to your preferred download location.
    Once downloaded, locate and run the installer package osgeo4w-setup-x86_64.exe which will open the install wizard.
    Select 'Express Desktop Install' as per the below image and click next:
    OsGeo Express Desktop.png

    Keep the default packages selected as follows and click next:
    OsGeo Packages.png

    QGIS will then start to download all the required packages off the web. Depending on your computer and internet connection this may take several minutes.

    Once the installer has completed, you should then get a new Start menu item 'OSGeo4w' with QGIS Desktop 2.12 as one of the installed programs as follows:
    OSGeo StartMenu.png
    Using the installer in this way will automatically download the latest version of QGIS. Although not required for the training, if you wish to use the long term release simply re-run the installer wizard, choose Advanced Install and select qgis-ltr-full from the Desktop tab within 'Select Packages'.

    Adding QGIS Plugins

    We are going to make use of two QGIS plugins for the training session, Crayfish (developed by Lutra Consulting) and the TUFLOW QGIS Plugin. Both Plugins can be installed via the QGIS Plugin repository. Open QGIS and navigate to the plugins dropdown menu and click on 'Manage and Install Plugins' as per the below:

    The QGIS Plugin Manager will now fetch all plugins that are available for QGIS. To install the Crayfish and TUFLOW Plugins type 'TUFLOW' into the search box of the plugin manager. This should return both the TUFLOW and Crayfish Plugins. Click TUFLOW and click Install Plugin as per the below:
    Repeat this process for Crayfish. Once both Plugins have been successfully added they should be ticked within the Plugin Manager as per the below:

    There is more information on useful QGIS plugins here. You should now have a successful install of QGIS, the required Python Libraries and Plugins for your training.

    Notepad++ Setup

    If you already have a text editor available on your computer such as Ultra Edit, TextPad or your preferred text editor than this step is optional. If you don't have a text editor then please download and setup Notepad++ via the following link. Please note that the default notepad provided with Windows is not ideal for developing TUFLOW models and you will gain a much better experience by using one of the aforementioned text editors.

    Download TUFLOW

    Could please download the latest TUFLOW Executables from here and save locally to your laptop.

    Further Questions

    Should you have any further questions regarding the training please send us an email at training@tuflow.com and we will be in touch as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you at the training.