TUFLOW NetCDF Raster Output Format

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This page contains information on the NetCDF file format used for gridded (raster) outputs from a TUFLOW simulation. To specify NetCDF output from TUFLOW the 2016 version or later of TUFLOW must be used and "NC" must be included in the Map Output Data Formats, e.g.
Map Output Format == xmdf nc ! Output both xmdf and NetCDF formats
Additional NetCDF related commands are:
NetCDF Output Compression == {OFF} | ON | compression level <0 – 9>
NetCDF Output Start Date == {2000-01-01 00:00} | OFF | <date in isodate format>
NetCDF Output Time Unit == DAY | {HOUR} | MINUTE
NetCDF Output Direction == {ANGLE} | BEARING
NetCDF Output Format == {Generic} | FEWS
Please refer to the TUFLOW manual for more details on these.

File Format

There are currently two output formats from TUFLOW, this is controlled with the command:
NetCDF Output Format == {Generic} | FEWS
The file formats are very similar, but for the FEWS format an additional time dimension and time variable "static_time" are used to store a time for the maximum and time of peak data so that it loads into the FEWS interface at an appropriate time.


This is the default output format and can also be specified by including "NetCDF Output Format == Generic" in the .tcf file.


To output in this format users will need to specify "NetCDF Output Format == FEWS" in the .tcf file.