MI 1D Result Viewer

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The TUFLOW Productivity Utilities (miTools) use the _TS GIS layer to plot 1D time-series results. Three examples are provided below.

  1. The program can be used to summarise the peaks and time of peaks for all series within an active Graph Window.

    MI 1D Viewer 001.jpg

  2. The peak water level results within a _1d_mmH layer may be plotted along with the cross-sectional data:
    MI 1D Viewer 002.jpg

  3. Long-section plots can be generated on a specified downstream reach of the 1d_nwk GIS layer. The tool will prompt the user for a DEM in which to extract a ground surface profile before plotting the long-section in Excel. This tool is particularly useful for viewing the results of a pipe network.
    MI 1D Viewer 003.jpg