MI Change Attribute Type

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    This page shows you how to change an attribute data type in MapInfo via Table Maintenance.

  1. Open your Mapinfo Tab or import your MIF file into Mapinfo. It's recommended that you create a copy of the file before making modifications to the attribute table.
  2. Under the 'Table' dropdown menu goto Maintenance --> Table Structure as per the below image.
    MI Table Maintain.png

  3. Within the 'Modify Table Structure' you can select any of the attributes and modify the data type. Care needs to be taken to ensure that your data isn't truncated if you intend to use the existing data within that attribute. An example is shown below.
    MI Table Maintain2.png]

  4. Once you've modified the attribute data type you can review it within the Type column as per the below. If happy with your modifications hit ok.
    MI Table Maintain3.png]

    For more handy Mapinfo workflows, head back to the Mapinfo Tips and Tricks page.