TS1 File Format

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This page contains information about the .ts1 file format used by TUFLOW for inputting boundary data. The Convert to TS1 Utility can be used to convert a number of hydrologic model outputs to the .ts1 format. However, the format is relatively simple variant of a .csv file. It contains more information on the size and number of time-series and this makes it much faster to read into a TUFLOW model, particularly if there are a large number of input time-series. It could be readily scripted using a variety of tools such as Excel, Python or Matlab.

File Format

Line 1 !comment line
Line 2 <n time series>, <maximum number of output times>
Line 3 Start_Index , n time-series containing the start index of each output location (these are typically 1)
Line 4 End_Index , n time-series containing the end index of each output location (some time-seriesmay finish earlier and not contain the maximum number of output times)
Line 5 Time (min), n time-series x output label
Line 6 to end, data
Each data line is of the following format:
Time (in minutes). n time-series x data

Character Restrictions

The TS1 file has the following character restrictions:

  • Total line length cannot exceed 100,000 characters
  • Boundary names cannot exceed 100 characters
  • Boundary names are comma delimited. Spaces, dashes, underscores (and most characters) are allowed
  • Boundary names should not contain commas e.g. putting a name inside quotes won’t stop any commas inside the quotes from being treated as a delimiter
  • Quotation marks are not stripped from boundary names
  • Tab characters are stripped from anywhere in the boundary name e.g. “example\tinflow” would become “exampleinflow”


An example is below, it contains three time-series, with a maximum of 10 output times. The last time-series only contains five data points, all start at the first timestep, although this is not necessary.
Note: The time in the 1st column should be in minutes. Please check the _bc_tables_check.csv files to ensure that the file has been read in correctly.
In the example above the data has been written with a fixed column width for readability, however, this is not necessary in the .ts1 file.

Example Data

! Dummy example ts1
3, 10
Start_Index ,           1,           1,           1
End_Index   ,          10,          10,           5
Time (min)  ,       SA_05,       SA_04,       SA_11
        0.00,       0.000,       0.000,       0.000
        5.00,       0.100,       1.000,       1.100
       10.00,       0.200,       1.500,       2.200
       15.00,       0.500,       2.000,       0.800
       20.00,       0.800,       3.000,       0.000
       25.00,       1.000,       4.000,            
       30.00,       0.500,       2.000,            
       35.00,       0.400,       1.000,            
       40.00,       0.300,       0.500,            
       45.00,       0.000,       0.000,