TUFLOW Message 1101

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 1101 - Less than the mandatory 20 1d_nwk attributes found

Alternate Message
ERROR 1101 - Less than the mandatory 10 1d_pit attributes found.

Message Type

1D network layers should have the GIS attributes as described in Table 4.14 1D Model Network (1d_nwk) Attribute Descriptions of the TUFLOW Manual (2010 version).

Check the GIS attributes match those described in the TUFLOW manual or a 1d_nwk_empty layer created with the latest TUFLOW release. If it seems to be correct, recreate the layer from scratch using a 1d_nwk empty layer created with the latest TUFLOW release.
Check that the 1d_nwk layer being read in via the Read GIS Network == command is a network and not a boundary condition (1d_bc) or cross-section (1d_tab / 1d_xs) layer.

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