TUFLOW Message 1391

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 1391 - Cannot connect Node with a X1DH or X1DQ link as the node is already connected to an external 1D domain via a X1DH or X1DQ link.

Alternate Message

Message Type

A TUFLOW 1D (ESTRY) node is trying to be connected to an external 1D scheme using a X1DH or X1DQ link as indicated in the message, but the TUFLOW node is already connected to an external 1D node using a link as indicated in the message. Only one external 1D scheme link can be specified for a TUFLOW (ESTRY) node.

You can link two or more TUFLOW nodes to the same external 1D node by connecting the TUFLOW nodes (ie. snap them or use a connector (X) channel), and link to the external node.

Review connections to external 1D scheme for this node and remove the inappropriate one(s).

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