TUFLOW Message 2148

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 2148 - Reading attribute data from data line below.

Alternate Message
ERROR 2148 - Reading line in MID file or premature end of file.

Message Type

The data in the in .shp or .MID file is not in the format that TUFLOW is expecting. This could be because:

  • The attributes have some special characters or additional new lines.
  • The geometry attributes in the .MIF file and the field data in the .MID file do not match.
  • The data attributes in GIS layer do not match the TUFLOW file type.

Use the latest available TUFLOW release from the TUFLOW website.
Review the Name attribute and remove special characters and/or new lines. If the data has been manipulated, e.g. in .csv file, check the manipulation process has been successful. Review the Name attributes.
Shapefiles might have a dummy value in the TUFLOW empty files. The dummy value does not have a geometry feature associated with it. This will be the first entry shown in the files attribute table. Delete the dummy entry. For MapInfo files, check that the number of columns in the .MIF and .MID match, exporting from MapInfo should ensure this. Check the file is being read in correctly, for example if reading a 1d_nwk layer, the command would be Read GIS Network, if a read GIS BC command was used the data type may not match.

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