TUFLOW Message 2460

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TUFLOW Message
WARNING 2460 - RF f1 and/or f2 attribute set to zero - no rainfall will be applied.

Alternate Message
ERROR 2460 - RF f1 and/or f2 attribute set to zero - no rainfall will be applied.
WARNING 2460 - SA RF Catchment_Area and/or Rain_Gauge_Factor attribute set to zero - no rainfall will be applied.

Message Type

The rainfall is multiplied by these attributes, therefore if either are set to zero the rainfall applied will be zero.

Check that the attribute(s) should have a zero value otherwise no rainfall for this GIS object will be applied during the simulation. This WARNING occurs where the user has accidentally forgotten to assign values to the attribute(s), and the default setting for these attributes if using a GIS is zero. From Build 2016-03-AA onwards, a value of zero will cause ERROR 2460 and the simulation will halt. The "Zero Rainfall Check" command can be used to change the error to warning.

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