TUFLOW Message 2836

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 2836 - No cells selected by point object: aa BC layer with type: bb
WARNING 2836 - No cells selected by point object: aa BC layer with type: bb

Alternate Message
ERROR 2836 - No cells selected by line object: aa BC layer with type: bb
WARNING 2836 - No cells selected by line object: aa BC layer with type: bb
ERROR 2836 - No cells selected by region object: aa BC layer with type: bb
WARNING 2836 - No cells selected by region object: aa BC layer with type: bb
ERROR 2836 - No cells selected by region object: SA boundary with name: "a"

Message Type

2d_bc and/or 2d_sa point/line/region doesn't select any Quadtree cells.

Use the latest TUFLOW release as small polygons not selecting any cell centre would trigger the error in older releases.
Check location of boundary object, or change the default setting to Check Inside Grid == WARNING or "OFF" if the boundary object can be ignored. At least one cell centre has to fall within 2d_bc and/or 2d_sa region. If grid_check file is not created, Verbose == ON can be used to output working grid check files.

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