TUFLOW Message 3010

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 3010 - Timestep Minimum must be <= Timestep.

Alternate Message
ERROR 3010 - Timestep Maximum must be >= Timestep.
ERROR 3010 - Timestep must be >= <number>.

Message Type

HPC uses a minimum allowable and a maximum allowable timestep in the adaptive timestep calculation. The initial supplied timestep must be within these limits. When the timestep is being increased it will be limited to the defined maximum timestep. When the timestep is being decreased, the model will be declared unstable if it falls below the minimum timestep.
Note that:

  • The initial timestep passed to HPC is 1/10th of the timestep defined in the tcf.
  • The default minimum timestep is the lesser of 0.1s and cell size divided by 200 m/s.
  • The default maximum timestep is the cell size divided by sqrt(gh) where h is the wet/dry threshold.


  • Ensure that the minimum timestep (if defined) is 1/10th or less of the initial timestep.
  • Ensure that the maximum timestep (if defined) is greater than the minimum timestep.

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