TUFLOW file types

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The table below lists the different types of and groups of files provided with this tutorial. These are listed below by file extension.
TABLE 1: Common File Types encountered in TUFLOW modelling

Extension Description
TUFLOW Text Based Input Files
".tcf" Mandatory TUFLOW Control File. A small, free form text file that controls the data flow and non-GIS parameters for a TUFLOW simulation. This is at the top of the tree for controlling a TUFLOW simulation. This is essential for every TUFLOW simulation. Can be colour coded in advanced text editors such as UltraEdit or TextPad. The style is similar to writing a macro in Visual Basic.
".ecf" Optional Similar to the .tcf, but for the 1D TUFLOW modelling inputs (Optional, not required for 2D only model).
".tgc" Mandatory Similar to the .tcf, but controls the 2D topography related inputs.
".tbc" Mandatory Similar to the .tcf, but controls the locations of the 2D boundaries. In the unusual circumstance that no boundaries are required (e.g. an the initial water level problem) a blank .tbc file can be specified.
One of .tmf or .csv is required TUFLOW materials file, provides a database or lookup to assign Manning's n and other parameters (such as rainfall losses) to land use areas (material categories).
".tef" Optional TUFLOW event file. This contains event definitions, and event specific commands.
TUFLOW Text Based Output Files
".tlf" TUFLOW Log File. A text file which keeps a record of the simulation parameters and inputs. This file contains all of the information that is displayed on the DOS console window. This is a very useful file!
".eof" ESTRY Output File. A text file containing TUFLOW 1D inputs after processing all the 1D inputs. This file also contains the 1D outputs. Whilst this file is in an old style fixed field format it can be very useful for debugging a model by advanced users.
TUFLOW Map Output Files
".2dm" 2D Mesh File. This file contains information on the 2D cells and the triangulations between 1D Water Level Lines (WLLs) that allows viewing and animating of 1D and 2D results.

This file can be imported to a number of viewing packages such as SMS, WaterRide, XP-SWMM and this file can be converted into a GIS package using the TUFLOW_to_GIS utility. This file designed to be used in conjunction with the .dat and/or .xmdf results files described below.

".dat" 2D Results File. This is a binary format results file. A separate .dat file is used for each result parameter, e.g. Depth, Level, Velocity, etc. results are all stored in individual .dat files.

Can be converted into a GIS package using the free TUFLOW_to_GIS and DAT_to_DAT utilities.
Further description of the various .dat files please see the 2010 TUFLOW Manual.

".xmdf" 2D Results File. This is a binary format results file and uses HDF5 for cross-platform data storage and compression. For more inforamtion on the file format please see the XMDF wiki.

Multiple parameters can be stored in a single XMDF file using a folder structure.
Can be converted into a GIS package using the free TUFLOW_to_GIS and DAT_to_DAT utilities.

".sup" SMS Scatter Super File. This is a small text file that when opened by SMS will open the .2dm file followed by the relevant .dat or .xmdf file(s). This is a quick way of opening all these files in one operation.
GIS Inputs and Outputs
MapInfo Interchange Format files. The .mif and .mid files are a pair of files with the .mif file containing the projection, attribute fields and object information. The .mid file contains the attribute data. These files are used by TUFLOW to import and export GIS files for use in MapInfo. For more information please see the following page: MapInfo File Formats.

They are text files and can be easily manipulated or created by customised software if required by advanced users.

MapInfo GIS layers in the MapInfo native format. These files are only created and modified using MapInfo, although the .tab file is a small text control file that can be manipulated by advanced users. All other files are binary formatted and are not suitable for a text editor. The .dat file contains the attribute data and the .map file the shape’s geometric data. The .id and .ind files are used for indexing data. The .ind file may not exist as it is only created when performing thematic mapping and other operations.

If copying a MapInfo table using Windows Explorer, all files must be kept together. It is probably safer to use the MapInfo Save Copy As… and Table, Maintenance, Rename Table… commands.
See also MapInfo File Formats.

A Vertical Mapper 3D surface. The .tab file is as described above. The .grd file contains the 3D surface data and is in binary format. These files must be kept together.
Aerial photos in jpeg format. The .tab file is as described above contains the geo-referencing information. To open the aerial photo in MapInfo open the .tab file. The .jgw file is a jpeg world file that also contains the geo-referencing information. This is used by other software such SMS to geo-reference the aerial photo. These files must be kept together.
ESRI Shapefile Format, recognised by ArcGIS and QGIS. The .prj is a text file that defines the geographic projection of the shapefile. The .dbf is a database file, which contains the attribute data and the .shp and .shx files contain the object data. This are created and modified within ArcGIS and QGIS.

If copying a shapefile using Windows Explorer, all files must be kept together.
For a description on the file formats please see this wikipedia page: Wikipedia Shapefiles.

".12da" 12D (www.12d.com) interchange format files. Some of these are provided for use by those using the 12D software for developing and managing DTMs and survey data. It is not necessary to have the 12D software for this tutorial. Can be converted to and from using the free tin_to_tin utility.
".tin" SMS Triangulation file. Can be converted to and from using the free tin_to_tin utility.
".tri" Vertical Mapper triangulation file.SMS Triangulation file. Can be converted to and from using the free tin_to_tin utility.
".sgrd" SAGA GIS format 3D surface grid.
Miscellaneous Files
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.