User:Rohan Hudson

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Rohan has twelve years experience as an environmental/water engineer with a broad range of experience in both numerical and physical modeling studies, as well as field data collection and interpretation. He enjoys applying his pragmatic and intuitive problem solving abilities to a range of studies in the coastal, estuarine, fluvial and limnological fields.

Rohan is an expert numerical modeller with experience in a wide range of packages including: TUFLOW, iSIS, RMA (2, 10 & 11), MIKE-21, DELFT-3D, CORMIX, SWAN, ADFACYC, 3DRWALK and AQUALM. He is also competent computer programmer in a variety of languages and is interested in how new and emerging technologies can be used to assist finding solutions to engineering problems and investigations.

Rohan is an experienced project manager with excellent communication skills and has been involved in the provision of both internal and external technical training programs.