TUFLOW Message 1095

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TUFLOW Message
XY: ERROR 1095 - Reading 1d_ta attribute data shown below: "","","","","","","", 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,"xz". Check that the new format introduced in 2003-03-AA is used.

Alternate Message
ERROR 1095 - Reading 1d_ta attribute data from .mid file line below: Check that the new format introduced in 2003-03-AA is used. "","xz","","","","","","","", 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000

Message Type

The 1d_ta / 1d_xs does not have the correct attribute data.

Check the attributes by opening the .mif file in a text editor, columns 5:18 should look like the below:
Columns 12
Source Char(50)
Type Char(2)
Flags Char(8)
Column_1 Char(20)
Column_2 Char(20)
Column_3 Char(20)
Column_4 Char(20)
Column_5 Char(20)
Column_6 Char(20)
Z_Increment Float
Z_Maximum Float
Skew Float

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