TUFLOW SWMM Tutorial M01 Results QGIS

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  1. Open TUFLOW Viewer in the QGIS TUFLOW Plugin.
  2. Open the simulation results. There are two options available:
    • Open 1D and 2D results: Select File > Load Results. Choose TUFLOW\runs\TS01_5m_001.tcf
    • Open 1D (no 2D results): Select File > Load Results - Time Series. Choose TUFLOW\results\TS01_5m_001_swmm_ts.gpkg
  3. The video example below opens the 1D and 2D results, using the first of the above options. When asked "Do you want to op result GIS layer?", select Yes. Five new files will load to the Layers Panel:
    • TS01_5m_001_swmm_ts_L: 1D SWMM conduit flow results
    • TS01_5m_001_swmm_ts_P: 1D SWMM Node and outlet water level results
    • TS01_5m_001_PLOT_L: 1D ESTRY and 2D plot ouput flow results (Note: there are no ESTRY results from this simulation)
    • TS01_5m_001_PLOT_P: 1D ESTRY and 2D plot output water level and velocity results (Note: there are no ESTRY results from this simulation)
    • TS01_5m_001: 2D TUFLOW Results
    Plot culvert time series flow results:
    1. Open TUFLOW Viewer in the QGIS TUFLOW Plugin.
    2. Select File > Load Results - Time Series. Navigate to the TS01_5m_001_swmm_ts.gpkg in the TUFLOW_SWMM_Module_01\TUFLOW\results folder and open it.
    3. Two additional files appear in the Layers panel:
      • TS01_5m_001_PLOT_L
      • TS01_5m_001_PLOT_P
    4. Select the TS01_5m_001_PLOT_L file in the Layers panel and using the 'Select Features' tool highlight one of the pipe lines (to highlight multiple hold down shift).
    5. Select one of the Time Series datasets shown with the Results 2.png icon and the 'Time Series' tab gets updated.

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    Plot culvert longitudinal profiles:

    1. The available long profile result types have a long profile icon Image XSLongProfile.png and display in the 'Cross Section / Long Profile' tab.

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