TUFLOW SWMM Tutorial M04

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This tutorial, Module 4 of the TUFLOW SWMM tutorial dataset will demonstrate TUFLOW's in-bulit event management functionality. This powerful functionality runs multiple event combinations (e.g. magnitude, duration, temporal patterns, climate change) using a single set of control files, rather than creating a new set of control files for every simulation. For example, without implementing event management a project requiring simulation of the following event combinations would require 144 TCF and bc_dbase files:

  • 6 x Event Magnitude (AEP): 01p, 02p, 05p, 10p, 20p, 50p
  • 8 x Event Duration (hour): 1h, 2h, 3h, 6h, 9h, 12h, 18h, 24h
  • 3 x Climate Change Horizon: current climate, 2050, 2100

Using predefined naming conventions, with TUFLOW's event management functionality, all the events can be executed from a single TCF and bc_dbase file!

This feature of TUFLOW makes the management of the model files easier, ensures consistency between the simulations and improves project quality control by reducing the likelihood of human error associated with incorrect file referencing.

TUFLOW SWMM Tutorial Module 4 builds from the model created in TUFLOW SWMM Tutorial Module 3. The completed TUFLOW SWMM Module 3 model is provided in the TUFLOW_SWMM_Module_04\TUFLOW folder of the download dataset as the starting point for this tutorial. If you are not already familiar with TUFLOW SWMM linking, we recommend first completing Module 1, 2 and 3 before this tutorial.

Simulation Control Files

TUFLOW's automated event management operates by introducing wildcard referencing into the boundary condition database.
A new control file, called the "TUFLOW Event File" is added. It lists all event titles which are applied to the wild charatcter in the boundary condition database. It also lists unique commands to associate with the specific events.
Models are executed using a batch file, with the event specifion listed as a variable in the batch file syntax.

This tutorial example will upgrade our single simulation model to run six (six) event simulations. The simulations will cater for three (3) Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) event magnitudes: 5%, 2% and 1% AEP (in Average Recurrance Interval (ARI) terminology, this translates to the 1 in 20, 50 and 100 year ARI events). The design storms will be simulated for two (2) event storm durations: 1 and 2 hour.

TUFLOW Boundary Condition Database (bc_dbase)

The first task when updating a model with Event Management functionality is to update the bc_dbase.csv with event magnitude and event duration wildcard placeholders:

  1. We will use the following wildcard characters to represent the Events in our model:
  2. Event Magnitude = AEP
  3. Event Duration = DUR
  4. Navigate to the TUFLOW_SWMM_Module_04\Tutorial_Data folder. Copy and paste the following files to the TUFLOW_SWMM_Module_04\TUFLOW\bc_dbase folder. These files contains the inflows for each event magnitude and duration.
    • TS04_inflow_05p1hr.csv
    • TS04_inflow_05p2hr.csv
    • TS04_inflow_02p1hr.csv
    • TS04_inflow_02p2hr.csv
    • TS04_inflow_01p1hr.csv
    • TS04_inflow_01p2hr.csv
    • TS04_rainfall_05p1hr.csv
    • TS04_rainfall_05p2hr.csv
    • TS04_rainfall_02p1hr.csv
    • TS04_rainfall_02p2hr.csv
    • TS04_rainfall_01p1hr.csv
    • TS04_rainfall_01p2hr.csv
    The files with 'inflow' in their name are flow hydrograph boundary conditions sourced from an external hydrology model, such as HEC-HMS, RORB, URBS, WBNM etc. The files with 'rainfall' in their name are rainfall depth hyetographs used to define the rainfall timeseries in the SWMM urban hydrology section of the model.
  5. Save a copy of the bc_dbase.csv as bc_dbase_TS04_001.csv.
  6. Open the file and make the following updates to the 'Source' column:

    SWMM M04 Event bcdbase 001.JPG

  7. Save bc_dbase_TS04_001.csv.

TUFLOW Event File (TEF)

  1. Navigate to the TUFLOW_SWMM_Module_04\Tutorial_Data folder. Copy the TS04_Event_File.tef to the TUFLOW_SWMM_Module_04\TUFLOW\runs folder.
  2. Open the TEF in a text editor. There are three event magnitudes and two event durations listed:
    • Event Magnitudes: 5% , 2% and 1% AEP
    • Event Durations: 1 and 2 hour
  3. The event specific commands are contained between the Define Event and End Define commands.
  4. The BC Event Source command is linked to the bc_dbase file. In the below examples, any occurrence of '~AEP~' in bc_dbase_TS04_001.csv will be replaced with '05p' and any occurrence of '~DUR~' in bc_dbase_TS04_001.csv will be replaced with '1hr'. Also, when the 1 hour event is called the simulation run end time will be set to 2 hours (instead of 3 hours, as per the other simulations).
    Define Event == 05p
      BC Event Source == ~AEP~ | 05p
    End Define

    Define Event == 1hr

      BC Event Source == ~DUR~ | 1hr End Time == 2
    End Define
  5. When TUFLOW runs a simulation it reads all of the defined events in the TEF, though only uses the event variables specified in the batch file. We will create a compatible batch file shortly.

TUFLOW Control File (TCF)

  1. Save a copy of TS03_5m_001.tcf as TS04_5m_~e1~_~e2~_001.tcf in the TUFLOW_SWMM_Module_04\TUFLOW\runs folder.
  2. Open the file TS04_5m_~e1~_~e2~_001.tcf in a text editor.
  3. Update the reference to the bc_dbase:
    BC Database == ..\bc_dbase\bc_dbase_TS04_001.csv ! Reference the Boundary Conditions Database
  4. Add the following command to reference the TEF on the last line of the TCF:
    ! EVENTS
    Event File == TS04_Event_File.tef ! Reference the TUFLOW Event File
    The location of this file in the TCF is important. If there are any commands associated with an event which overwrite other existing commands (such as End Time == in the example above), the TEF file needs to be processed last for the overwrite to occur. Referencing this file as the last line in the TCF ensures this order of opertaion occurs as intended.
  5. Save the TCF.

Running the Simulation

  1. Save a copy of _run_TS03_HPC.bat as _run_TS04_HPC.bat in the TUFLOW_SWMM_Module_04\TUFLOW\runs folder.
  2. Update the batch file to reference the TS04_5m_~e1~_~e2~_001.tcf and include event switches (-e1, -e2) defining event magnitude and event duration:
    set exe="..\..\..\exe\2023-03-AA\TUFLOW_iSP_w64.exe"
    set run=start "TUFLOW" /wait %exe% -b
    %run% -e1 05p -e2 1hr TS04_5m_~e1~_~e2~_001.tcf
    %run% -e1 05p -e2 2hr TS04_5m_~e1~_~e2~_001.tcf
    %run% -e1 02p -e2 1hr TS04_5m_~e1~_~e2~_001.tcf
    %run% -e1 02p -e2 2hr TS04_5m_~e1~_~e2~_001.tcf
    %run% -e1 01p -e2 1hr TS04_5m_~e1~_~e2~_001.tcf
    %run% -e1 01p -e2 2hr TS04_5m_~e1~_~e2~_001.tcf
  3. Save the batch file and double click it in file explorer to run the simulation.


Did your TUFLOW SWMM model fail to run successfully? If so, here is a link to a troubleshooting guide: TUFLOW SWMM Troubleshooting.

Advanced Looping Batch File (Optional)

Looping batch files are a powerful tool to enable high volume simulation management with the least amount syntax. For example, the following looped batch file executed 1440 simulation using 15 lines of syntax!
SWMM M04 Looped Batch File 003.png

We will convert our sequential formatted batch file to a looped format:

  1. Save a copy of _run_TS04_HPC.bat as _run_TS04_HPC_loop.bat in the Module_09\TUFLOW\runs folder.
  2. Add the following commands. Indentation is important in batch files, insert tabs to match the below spacing:
    echo off
    set exe="..\..\..\exe\2023-03-AA\TUFLOW_iSP_w64.exe"
    set run=start "TUFLOW" /wait %exe% -b

    set AEP=05p 02p 01p
    set DUR=1hr 2hr

    for %%a in (%AEP%) do (
      for %%b in (%DUR%) do (
          echo Running %%a %%b
          %run% -e1 %%a -e2 %%b TS04_5m_~e1~_~e2~_001.tcf

    Note: The 'AEP' and 'DUR' are user defined batch file variables. Projects may use different variable names. The 'AEP' refers to an event magnitude (Annual Exceedance Probability) and 'DUR' refers to an event duration.

  3. Save the batch file and double click it in file explorer to run the simulation.

Check and Result Files

While the model is running, review the added features are specified correctly:


  • Multiple events were set up in the TUFLOW Event File (TEF) with define event blocks.
  • TUFLOW Log Files (TLF) were reviewed.
  • Multiple event results were inspected using the TUFLOW Viewer.

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