HPC Adaptive Timestepping
The HPC solver, by default, uses adaptive timestepping to progress through the simulation. The timestep is adjusted so that it complies with the mathematical stability criteria of a 2D SWE explicit solution. In contrast, TUFLOW Classic, being an implicit solution, is not numerically bound by these criteria, and can progress through the simulation using a larger, fixed, timestep. Therefore, HPC typically uses a smaller timestep than Classic. The HPC timestep needs to conform to the limiting timestep as determined by three stability criteria or Control Numbers:
- Courant Number, Nu
- Wave Celerity Number, Nc
- Diffusion Number, Nd
Prior to advancing in time, the limiting timestep for all wet 2D cells is determined, and the minimum of the limiting timesteps for all cells is selected as the next timestep. The three stability criteria (Control Numbers) are summarised in Table 1 below.
The explicit solution scheme adopted for HPC requires all three conditions be satisfied under the limits specified. As seen in the above Table, each condition is relative to the timestep and cell size, as well as some hydraulic behaviour (velocity, depth, turbulence).