QGIS TUFLOW Apply Stability Styling
Revision as of 23:18, 12 May 2022 by Ellis Symons (talk | contribs)
This tool styles the selected layer using a 'traffic light' method to indicate where instabilities could be occurring. This tool currently only supports the _TS.mif (_TS_P.shp) 1D output, however it is intended to expand the scope of this tool in future releases to other inputs and outputs to help with model checking.
Introduced in version 3.3.1'
Running the Tool
The tool can be run by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the 'Apply TUFLOW Style to Current Layer' on the toolbar:
The tool uses a 'traffic light' system to indicate where results may be unstable:
The following rules are applied to determine the which category each feature falls within:
_TS_P Output
The _TS_P.shp (_TS.mif) is a 1D timeseries output for Q, V, and H, and includes the following information:
- Maximum value (from every timestep) and the time of maximum
- Minimum value (from every timestep) and the time of minimum
- Time series information - this can be slightly different from the results exported to the 'plot' folder as it will reduce the number of outputs to ensure it conforms with GIS attribute limits