TUFLOW Message 1111

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TUFLOW Message
CHECK 1111 - Overwriting channel ",a," with same ID channel from

Alternate Message

Message Type

If a channel is snapped to the same nodes and has the same ID, the channel will be overwritten in TUFLOW. This can be useful for setting up blocked case scenarios: a second "blocked" network can be read in after the original data preventing the need to change the original 1d network layers.
For example the relevant commands in your 1d control file (.ecf) might look like:
Read GIS Network == model\mi\1d_nwk_culverts_001.mif
! Blocked scenario only
Read GIS Network == model\mi\1d_nwk_blocked_culverts_001.mif

This could also occur unintentionally if a parallel channel is snapped to the same node and has the same ID.
This check message is generated whenever channel data is overwritten.

Check the channel being overwritten is intentional.

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