Kart Git And TUFLOW

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  • This wiki page was written with Kart v0.12.2 which is still considered a pre-release version. Kart is in rapid development and some of the constraints and/or methods may no longer be valid or have changed in subsequent versions.
  • The examples on the page use git bash (on Windows) which is installed with Git. A lot of the methodology can also be done throught Windows command prompt with the same syntax however on this version of Kart, for private remote repositories, Kart will not prompt for any authentication while using command prompt and will simply fail to push/pull. Git bash will prompt for authentication and is also easier to save passwords and add ssh keys (required for Github) so is a lot better to use in these contexts. For consistency, it will be adopted for all examples over command prompt.

Software and Installation

The following software is required:

  • Git git-scm.com/downloads - There is a portable version Git for Windows, therefore it doesn't necessarily require admin privileges to install. There are a lot of user installation options, you should be able to simply use the default options throughout.
  • Kart kartproject.org/ - Kart will require admin privileges to install. Kart is packaged with it's own Git version, however this will not contain git bash so the above installation will be required.

Recommended software:

  • QGIS with the Kart plugin (and the TUFLOW plugin for importing empty files)

Setting up Control File Repository

Since most of the TUFLOW input files (exclduing GIS/GRID inputs and some boundary formats) are plain text files, it is possible to simply use Git to version these files. There are a number of ways to initialise this (and countless returns if Googled), the approach shown below is done by intialising the remote repository on Github or Gitlab first.

Setting up Kart Repository

Cloning an Existing Repository