Check Files 2d lfcsh uvpt

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Contains information on the cell sides (U and V points) that have a layered flow constriction shape object applied. This contains information on the processed elevations, blockages and form loss values applied at each layer of the constriction.

Attributes of lfcsh_uvpt

Attribute Name Attribute Description
Z_Bed The ground level of the z point.
L1_Obvert The obvert (soffit) of the 1st layer of the layered constriction.
L1_pBlockage The percentage (%) blockage of 1st layer of the layered constriction.
L1_FLC The Form Loss Coefficient of 1st layer of the layered constriction.
L2_Obvert The obvert (soffit) of the 2nd layer of the layered constriction.
L2_pBlockage The percentage (%) blockage of 2nd layer of the layered constriction.
L2_FLC The Form Loss Coefficient of 2nd layer of the layered constriction.
L3_Obvert The obvert (soffit) of the 3rd layer of the layered constriction.
L3_pBlockage The percentage (%) blockage of 3rd layer of the layered constriction.
L3_FLC The Form Loss Coefficient of 3rd layer of the layered constriction.
Source The path to the input file for the layered flow constriction.