TUFLOW has supported 1D/2D dynamic coupling since its initial 2D solver development in 1989. Traditionally, 1D linking and associated modeling has been applied using the TUFLOW 1D (ESTRY) solver. New in the 2023-03-AD Release, TUFLOW's 1D linking and solver options have been expanded to support the EPA Storm Water Management Model (referred to herein as EPA SWMM).
As a result of the 1D EPA SWMM inclusion within TUFLOW, modellers working with EPA SWMM files now have a variety of options available:
- Use EPA SWMM, coupled directly to TUFLOW.
- Conversion of EPA SWMM 1D geometry to a TUFLOW compatible format for use by TUFLOW 1D (ESTRY) solver.
Model Conversion Utility (swmm_to_gis.exe)
The swmm_to_gis.exe utility converts EPA SWMM files (.inp) to TUFLOW compatible GIS (mif and shp) format. The utility outputs include:
- T
Utility Execution
The utility requires GIS projection information to correctly translate the SWMM file (.inp) from format to *mif or *.shp format. This is done by including either a projection or header file in the same folder directory as the batch file. The utility will use the projection information from this file for the data conversion.
- mif format input requirement: Projection.mif or Header.mif
- shp format input requirement: Projection.prj or Header.prj
The following error message will be produced if projection information is not available:
ERROR - A Header.prj or Projection.prj file does not exist in folder
Example Syntax
Utility Output
Example Output