TUFLOW Message 0657

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 0657 - Grid does not use square cells.

Alternate Message
ERROR 0657 - Grid does not use square cells. dx: [dx], dy: [dy]

Message Type

The input grid cell width (dx) is not the same as the cell height (dy) which means that the raster input is using rectangular cells rather than square cells.

Check the process on how the grid was generated. If possible, check if there is an option to set the output resolution and re-export. If it isn't possible to change the export options (e.g. the raster is downloaded from a government webpage and there aren't any export options) then the raster will need to be converted into square cells using a program like QGIS, ArcGIS, or GDAL. In QGIS, the option to change the raster resolution is available in the dialog after right clicking the layer and selecting "Export >> Save As". If using GDAL (gdal_translate.exe), the target resolution can be set using "-tr <xres> <yres>".

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