TUFLOW Message 2589

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 2589 - Less than 5 attributes for SA RF layer, file: <filename>

Alternate Message
ERROR 2589 - Less than 5 attributes for SA RF layer, file: <filename>. File appears to be a 2d_sa file and not a 2d_sa_rf.

Message Type

TUFLOW is expecting 5 attributes for a 2d_sa_rf layer, as listed in Table 7-6 of the 2018 TUFLOW Manual.

Please check the 2d_sa_rf layer attributes. If required, import a new 2d_sa_rf empty file to ensure all attribute are present.
Check that the correct layer and command has been used noting they are different for a 2d_sa_rf and a 2d_sa.

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