TUFLOW Message 0642

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Revision as of 02:36, 2 October 2024 by Ellis Symons (talk | contribs)
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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 0642 - opening geopackage database: <>.

Alternate Message
ERROR 0642 - "<>" is not in database.
ERROR 0642 - opening geopackage database: database is locked.

Message Type

TUFLOW is unable to open geopackage database or layer within database shown.


  • If the GeoPackage database is open in a QGIS workspace, ensure that all edits have been saved and editing is turned off.
  • Ensure the GeoPackage database exists, and all file references in the TUFLOW control files are correct.
  • Check the GeoPackage layer name contains no spelling mistakes.
  • If the GeoPackage is reported as locked due to concurrent TUFLOW simulations, you can try adding the following command "GPKG Inputs Read Only == ON" to the TCF. This tells TUFLOW to open the GPKG inputs in a strict read only mode which, in turn, should prevent TUFLOW from creating any locks on GPKG inputs. You can also try adding the following command "SQLite On Open SQL Read == PRAGMA busy_timeout = 10000;" (note the semicolon at the end) to the TCF. This command sets the busy timeout to 10s which should give any read locks time to be let go by other TUFLOW simulations. Finally, copying the model to a local directory for running should also eliminate any read locks.

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