Check Files 2d bg uvpt check

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Contains information on the cell sides (U and V points) that have a 2D bridge shape object applied. This contains information on the elevations, blockages and form loss values applied at each layer of the bridge.

Attributes of bg_uvpt

Attribute Name Attribute Description
Z_Bed The ground level of the z point.
Deck Soffit The elevation of the deck soffit (m or ft).
Pier_pBlockage The percentage blockage of the pier layer.

For example, '5' for a blockage of 5%.

Pier_FLC Pier layer form loss coefficient.
Deck_Obvert The elevation of the deck obvert.
Deck_pBlockage The percentage blockage of the deck layer.
SuperS_FLC The combined form loss coefficient for the deck and the rail layers.
Rail_Obvert The elevation of the rail obvert.
Rail_pBlockge The percentage blockage of the rail layer.
fIP Inflection point (IP) factor.
Method Method used to calculate the depth averaged FLC (Form Loss Coefficient). This is specified by the BG FLC Default Approach == command.
  • LINEAR: The default option. The depth averaged FLC value is linearly increased from the bottom of the bridge deck to the inflection point. After the inflection point it gradually decreases.
  • LINEAR-CONSTANT: The depth averaged FLC is linearly increased from the bottom of the bridge deck to the top of the bridge deck. Between the top of the bridge deck and the inflection point, the FLC is kept constant. After the inflection point it gradually reduces.
  • PARABOLIC: The depth averaged FLC is increased using a parabolic function from the bottom of the bridge deck to the inflection point. After the inflection point it gradually reduces.
  • INVERTED-PARABOLIC: The depth averaged FLC is increased using an inverted parabolic function from the bottom of the bridge deck to the inflection point. After the inflection point it gradually reduces.

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