1D Bridges

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The following section looks at bridges using the 1D component of TUFLOW, for information on bridges in the 2D domain please see the following section on 2D hydraulic Structures and Module 6.
As a typical rule-of-thumb, if the channel up stream &/or downstream of the bridge is modeled in 1D then the bridge should also be modeled in 1D as well.

  • Caption 1
  • Caption 2
  • Caption 3

  • Link to 2D section – this section explains 1D bridges only.
  • Advice on when you would model a 1D bridge versus a 2D bridge (read module 6).
  • Examples on a XZ and HW bridge type – pictures & csv examples
  • Information on the checks you can carry out
  • Theory
    • Loss types (piers Kp, blockage Kb)
    • Guidance/reference on how to derive losses
    • Make sure to include section on automation of pier losses?
  • Method A & Method B for bridges – refer to Bill’s post on 1.56 value

Irregular shaped bridges

Typical checks


Any further questions please email TUFLOW support: support@tuflow.com