1D Manholes

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Page Under Construction

  • Losses – fixed, Englehund, automatic manholes etc
  • Mitch’s J-type manhole (see TUFLOW forum)
  • How to model chambers


Manholes are used at culvert junctions to dissipate energy due to:

  • Expansion/contraction of flow within the manhole chamber and outlet culverts.
  • Change in direction of the culverts (i.e. a bend/deflection).
  • Change in height, width or diameter and/or invert level of the adjoining culverts.

The presence of a manhole at a junction point will override the exit loss of any culvert discharging into the manhole and entrance loss of any culvert taking from our of the manhole.

There are 3 types of manholes:

  • "C" for circular chambers.
  • "R" for rectangular chambers.
  • "J" for junctions without a chamber


Storage chambers

Storage, including storage chambers or floodplain storage, can be manually defined using a 1d_na (1d_tab_empty) node that has an assigned elevation versus surface area table. For the purpose of this page, manmade storage chambers have been discussed although the method is the same for all applications.

An example of a chamber:
Storage chamber.JPG

  • Import 1d_na node.
  • Assign the name of the elevation vs area csv.
  • Specify the names for the elevation and surface area columns

Storage chamber MI.JPG
Storage chamber csv.JPG

For more information on storage nodes see Section 5.10.3 Storage Nodes (User Defined NA Tables) within the TUFLOW manual.

Any further questions please email TUFLOW support: support@tuflow.com