FM Tute M01 QGIS 1D2D Links
In this section we will create the 1D/2D links to link the Flood Modeller 1D component to the TUFLOW 2D domain. As described on the previous page, this consists of a 1D/2D link with type "HX" and a series of connection lines that connect the 1D computation points to the HX line. For this tutorial the HX lines and a sample of the "CN" lines have been provided.
In the figure below, the water level is calculated in Flood Modeller at the nodes FC01.16, FC01.15 and FC01.14. These water levels are linearly interpolated along the lengths of the HX line on both left and right banks of the watercourse. When the water level exceeds the ZC elevation of the boundary cell, water is able to flow on the the TUFLOW 2D floodplain.
In the figure below, the HX lines are broken between FC01.35 and FC01.34 as a culvert is located between these nodes.
The digitised direction of the HX and CN lines is not important. The CN lines however should be digitised approximately perpendicular to the direction of flow. Two CN lines are digitised for each node and connected to the HX boundary lines along the left and right banks. The HX boundary lines should be digitised along the top of each bank such that the width between the lines approximately correlates to the width of the 1D channel. |
Please return to the Flood Modeller Tutorial Model module 1 page here.