Talk:QGIS ARR to TUFLOW Example

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Revision as of 19:36, 17 September 2021 by Robert.Graham (talk | contribs) (Change CRS from NZ to Australia to Avoid Errors)
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I look forward to investigating this option more. A lot of work must have gone into it.

A two items that I found.

Item 1

The output folder (at the very bottom) is the prefix and then the Name (attribute 1) of the catchment polygon. If the value of attribute 1 contains any none valid file name characters the routine will fail.

Item 2

The tutorial dataset suggests using a projection of CRS ID EPSG:32760 (WGS 84 / UTM Zone 60S) which is the eastern side of New Zealand. You will need to set the CRS to somewhere in Australia to get this routine to run. I used

CRS ID EPSG:32755 (WGS 84 / UTM Zone 55S)

To do this, select all of your layers, right mouse select, Layer CRS->Set Layer CRS.

Find the CRS above and select OK.

The dataset will move near Hay, NSW and this routine will work splendidly.