TUFLOW Message 2800

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate memory for splitting polyline to QPC mesh.

Alternate Message
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate temporary memory for pre-process of Quadtree nesting.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate temporary memory for Quadtree Plot Output processing.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate memory for processing Quadtree PO results.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate temporary memory for Quadtree processing automatic SX connections.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate temporary memory for Quadtree IWL processing.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate temporary memory for Quadtree mesh boundary corners.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate temporary memory for Quadtree mesh extent polygons.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate temporary memory for Quadtree mesh polygon.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate memory for polyline split indices.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate memory for temporary polyline.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to deallocate memory for xCoord.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to deallocate memory for yCoord.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to deallocate memory for xt.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to deallocate memory for yt.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate memory for checking boundary cells.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate temporary memory for processing automatic SX connections.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate temporary memory for Quadtree storing CN connections.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate temporary memory for Quadtree storing QT database.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate temporary memory for processing Quadtree SX Z flag.
ERROR 2800 - Unable to allocate temporary memory for storing Quadtree cell ids for SA Pits.

Message Type


Please contact support@tuflow.com.

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