Tutorial M01 Time Series Plot Output QGIS GPKG

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QGIS is used to create time series plot outputs. Two types are described:

  • 2d_po line object - records flow (Q_) across the line; and
  • 2d_po point object - records water level (H_) and velocity (V_) in the cell where the point falls into.


Create 2d_po line layer with the TUFLOW plugin:

  1. Click on the ‘Import Empty File’ symbol from the TUFLOW plugin toolbar.
  2. Select '2d_po' from the Empty Type list.
  3. In the Run ID box write 'M01_001'.
  4. Tick the 'Lines' Geometry Type.
  5. In the Spatial Database Options, select 'All to one'. Navigate to the Module_01/TUFLOW/model/gis folder and select M01_001.gpkg. Click Save and hit 'OK'.
  6. The 2d_po_M01_001_L appears in the Layers panel.

Digitise a plot output line from left to right looking downstream. The direction of the line is important, the opposite direction would produce negative values:

  1. Make the layer editable and select ‘Add Line Feature’.
  2. Digitise a line from left to right looking downstream across the floodplain and channel.
  3. Populate the attribute table as follows:
    • Type = Q_
    • Label = Loc1_L
  4. Toggle the editing off to save the edits.

    Animation M01 GPKG PO 01.gif

Create 2d_po point layer with the TUFLOW plugin:

  1. Click on the ‘Import Empty File’ symbol from the TUFLOW plugin toolbar.
  2. Select 2d_po from the Empty Type list.
  3. In the Run ID box write 'M01_001'.
  4. Tick the 'Points' Geometry Type.
  5. In the Spatial Database Options, select 'All to one'. Navigate to the Module_01/TUFLOW/model/gis folder and select M01_001.gpkg. Click Save and hit 'OK'.
  6. The 2d_po_M01_001_P appears in the Layers panel.

Digitise a plot output point in the channel where the 2d_po line crosses the channel:

  1. Make the layer editable and select ‘Add Point Feature’.
  2. Digitise a point within the channel where the line crosses the channel.
  3. Populate the attribute table as follows:
    • Type = H_V_
    • Label = Loc1_P
  4. Toggle the editing off to save the edits.

    Animation M01 GPKG PO 02.gif


  • The 2d_po layers were created, containing a line recording flow across the line and point recording water level and velocity.

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