TUFLOW Message 1253

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TUFLOW Message
WARNING 1253 - Unused 1d_ta line with attributes: ",a,",

Alternate Message

Message Type

Unused data in table links (Read GIS Table Links == ). A unused link to tabular input has been found, tabular data can include cross-section profiles, cross-section hydraulic parameters, nodal surface areas or bridge loss coefficients. This can occur if:

  • A 1d_ta element with three or more vertices isn't snapped to a 1D network (1d_nwk) node
  • A 1d_ta element with two vertices does not intersect 1D network (1d_nwk) line
  • A channel in the 1D network has both end and mid cross sections
  • Two or more 1d_ta elements exist in the same location


  • Check if the 1d_ta object is linked to the 1D network (either snapped for a 1d_ta object with 3 or more vertices or just intersecting if the 1d_ta object has only 2 vertices)
  • Check if the 1D network channel has both mid- and end- cross-sections. If both mid- and end- sections exist, TUFLOW will ignore the end-cross-sections in favour of the mid-cross-sections (Refer to the Mid Cross-Section and End Cross-section Chapters of the TUFLOW Manual)
  • Check if cross-sections are both in the same location
  • Check if the cross-section is snapped to a 1D network with overlapping vertices upstream/downstream. If there is an overlapping vertex, in QGIS it will show as green. Please, see the example image below:

1d Network Overlapping Vertex.jpg

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