Check Files 2d lfcsh uvpt

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Contains information on the cell sides (U and V points) that have a layered flow constriction shape object applied. This contains information on the processed elevations, blockages and form loss values applied at each layer of the constriction.

Attributes of lfcsh_uvpt

Attribute Name Attribute Description
Z_Bed The ground level of the z point.
L1_Obvert The obvert (soffit) of the 1st layer of the layered constriction.
L1_pBlockage The percentage (%) blockage of 1st layer of the layered constriction.
L1_FLC The Form Loss Coefficient of 1st layer of the layered constriction.
L2_Obvert The obvert (soffit) of the 2nd layer of the layered constriction.
L2_pBlockage The percentage (%) blockage of 2nd layer of the layered constriction.
L2_FLC The Form Loss Coefficient of 2nd layer of the layered constriction.
L3_Obvert The obvert (soffit) of the 3rd layer of the layered constriction.
L3_pBlockage The percentage (%) blockage of 3rd layer of the layered constriction.
L3_FLC The Form Loss Coefficient of 3rd layer of the layered constriction.
Method The method in which the form losses were applied. Refer to the TUFLOW Manual for more information on the methods.
Source The path to the input file for the layered flow constriction.

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