Check Files 1d x1d nodes

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The x1d_nodes check file contains information on nodes read in from an external 1D domain such as Flood Modeller (previously known as ISIS), XP-SWMM and 12D Solutions DDA 1D solution. It is useful for cross-checking these external 1D nodes and associated information passed from these 1D schemes.

The following check files may also be of use for models that use external 1D domains:

Attributes of _x1d_nodes check

Attribute Name Attribute Description
ID The ID of the external 1D node.
ID_DS The ID of the external 1D node immediately downstream.
X1D_Index Index ID of nodes within an external 1D scheme.
Bed_Level The bed level of the external ID Node. For Flood Modeller, this value is the bed level of the node minus the depth of the Preissmann slot if used (by default this is 1m).
Spill_Level xxxxx.
Junction_Type Sequential numbering of all nodes connected to a JUNCTION unit in Flood Modeller.
Unit_Type An ID denoting the type of unit in the external 1D scheme connected to TUFLOW. For Flood Modeller, these are:

0 - RIVER unit with a chainage downstream of 0m
10 - WEIR unit
11 - BERNOULLI loss unit
18 - RNWEIR unit
19 - RIVER unit
20 - SPILL unit
21 - SLUICE unit
42 - ORIFICE unit
43 - USBPR bridge unit
55 - NCBDY

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