Check Files 2d ad check

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This pages contains information on the attributes of the _ad_check file. This check file contains information on initial concentrations and will be automatically output, if check files are turned on, when using the advection-dispersion module.

Attributes of _ad_check

Attribute Name Attribute Description
n Row number in the TUFLOW domain.
m Column number in the TUFLOW domain.
Code The cell code status. This is 1 for active cells and -1 for null cells that are included in the mesh. Refer to the TUFLOW Manual for more information on the cell codes.
ZC The minimum elevation within the cell.
Domain_Index The index of the model domain. This is the order with Start 2D Domain == <Domain Name> commands appears in the TCF control file. For a single domain model this will be 1.
IC_<num> The initial concentration for tracer <num>.

i.e. 'IC_1' would be the attribute name for tracer 1, 'IC_2' for tracer 2, etc.

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