Check Files 2d bg uvpt check
Revision as of 14:23, 31 December 2024 by Abrar.Alttahir (talk | contribs)
Contains information on the cell sides (U and V points) that have a 2D bridge shape object applied. This contains information on the elevations, blockages, and form loss values applied at each layer of the bridge.
Attributes of bg_uvpt
Attribute Name | Attribute Description |
Options | Method used to calculate the depth averaged FLC (Form Loss Coefficient). This is specified by the BG FLC Default Approach == command.
Z_Bed | The ground level of the z point. |
Deck Soffit | The elevation of the deck soffit (m or ft). |
Pier_pBlockage | The percentage blockage of the pier layer. For example, '5' for a blockage of 5%. |
Pier_FLC | Pier layer form loss coefficient. |
Deck_Obvert | The elevation of the deck obvert. |
Deck_pBlockage | The percentage blockage of the deck layer. |
Rail_Obvert | The elevation of the rail obvert. |
Rail_pBlockge | The percentage blockage of the rail layer. |
SuperS_FLC | The combined form loss coefficient for the deck and the rail layers. |
SuperS_fIP | Inflection point (IP) factor. |
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