TUFLOW Message 2043
TUFLOW Message
ERROR 2043 - 2D HX cell has been assigned to a Flood Modeller non-RIVER unit.
Alternate Message
ERROR 2043 - Flow from 2D HX cell has been assigned to an Flood Modeller non-RIVER unit. Flows from 2D HX cells can only be assigned to Flood Modeller RIVER units.
WARNING 2043 - 2D HX cell has been assigned to a Flood Modeller non-RIVER unit.
2D HX cell has been assigned to a Flood Modeller non-RIVER unit. Only Flood Modeller RIVER units or INTERPOLATE units may be connected to a 2D HX boundary in a linked Flood Modeller-TUFLOW model.
Check the node type within the Flood Modeller .dat file and remove connection (CN) lines within the 2d_bc layer at any non-RIVER/INTERPOLATE units.
Since TUFLOW built 2018-03-AC this error can be changed into warning by using command SX FMP Unit Type Error == OFF.
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