1D Integrity Tool - Continuity

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Tool Description

Will check all 1D inputs for downstream continuity based on the selected processing options.


The following inputs are used:

  • Input Network Lines
  • Input Network Points (optional)
  • Input Tables (optional)
  • Input DEM (optional)


The following are output from the tool:

  • Output point layer - an output log from the tool identifying potential continuity errors

Processing Options

The following options are available:

  • Flow Area Check - will flag locations where the downstream flow area decreases.
    •  % decrease - only relevant where more than one pipe is entering the downstream junction. Input value will determine the threshold at which the flow area is considered decreasing (e.g. 50% = the downstream flow area has to decrease by at least 50% of all incoming channels). The purpose of this setting is to prevent the amount of unnecessary flagging along 'trunk' pipes that don't increase or decrease in pipe diameter but have small feeder pipes entering it.
  • Invert Check - will flag locations where pipes have either an adverse gradient, or where the invert of the outgoing pipe is higher than the invert of the incoming pipe. Will only flag locations where this is true for all incoming and outgoing pipes at any given junction.
  • Angle Check - will flag locations where the angle between the incoming pipe and outgoing pipe is less than the given input angle (180 deg is straight). Will only flag locations where this is true for all incoming and outgoing pipes at any given junction.
  • Ground Cover Check - requires an input DEM. Will flag locations where the distance between the pipe obvert and ground elevation is less than the input threshold.

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