Check Files 1d pit A

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This GIS layer contains information on the 1D pits for the simulation.
The values for the 1D tabular pit data (e.g. time-series) can be found in the _1d_pit_inlet_tables_check.csv file.

Attributes of pit_A_check

Attribute Name Attribute Description
ID The pit ID.
Type The pit type, see TUFLOW manual for a list of pit types.
For example a "Q" stands Q pit, while a "Q(VPI)" type is a Virtual Pipe Inlet.
VP_Network_ID Virtual Pipe Network ID (as an integer) used to determine which outlet(s) the flow into the inlet pits discharges from.
Inlet_Type For a VPI or Q pit, the name of a pit inlet type in the Pit Inlet Database. Not used for other pits.
VP_Sur_Index Only used for VPI pits if using the HPC solver. In the event that the total flow into the VPIs on the same VP_Network_ID exceeds the maximum outflow capacity (see Qmax below), one or more of the VPI flow rates must be modified. The VPIs with the lowest surcharge index are given priority.
VP_QMax Only used for VPI and VPO if using the HPC solver. For VPOs the maximum flow that can discharge back into the 2D domain. For VPIs the maximum surcharge capacity or flow back on to the 2D domain. To prevent a VPI from surcharging enter a QMax of 0.0 (zero).
Width For C pits the diameter of the pit cross-section in the vertical plane. For R and W pits, the width of the pit section in the vertical plane. For all pits the width is used to determine the number of 2D cells to connect.
Conn_2D Used to control the connection type. For pits this field must be blank or set to “SX”. If set to blank, is treated as a SX connection.
Conn_No Overwrite the automatically determined number of connected 2D cells.
pBlockage The percentage blockage (%) of the pits. Reduces the flow capacity through the pit by the specified amount.
Number_of The number of pits.
Invert The elevation from the 2D cell the pit connects to or that entered via a 1d_nwk layer.
Q_factor This is the multiplication factor applied to the discharge to allow for any blockage and/or if Number_of pits is greater than 1.
i_1d_layer The integer index of the GIS layer that the pit came from. For example an i_1d_layer value of 4 would be the 4th input layer (1d_nwk_M08_pits_001) below.

Read GIS Pits == mi\1d_nwk_M04_pits_001.MIF
Read GIS Pits == mi\1d_nwk_M05_pits_001.MIF
Read GIS Pits == mi\1d_nwk_M07_pits_998.MIF
Read GIS Pits == mi\1d_nwk_M08_pits_001.MIF