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Class: ResData

Class for TUFLOW time series results.

Initialised as an empty object, or with results with a *.tpc in TUFLOW 2016 release and later or *.info in TUFLOW 2013 release.

import pytuflow as tu

res = tu.ResData()  # initialising as an empty object
# or
res = tu.ResData('M01_5m_001.tpc')  # initialising with results


Method Description Returns
channelConnectionCount ( str Node ID ) Returns the number of channels connected to a given node int Count
channelConnections ( str Node ID ) Returns a list of the channels connected to a given node list Channel IDs
channelCount () Returns the total number of channels in results int Count
channelResultTypes () Returns a list of all the available result types for channels list of Result Types
channels () Returns a list of all the channels IDs in the results list Channel IDs
channelsDownstream ( str Node ID ) Returns a list of all the channels downstream of a given node list Channel IDs
channelsUpstream ( str Node ID ) Returns a list of all the channels upstream of a given node list Channel IDs
format () Returns the result format i.e. '2013' or '2016' str Format
getAdverseGradients () Returns locations of any adverse water level or energy level (if result type available) gradients in long profile. Note getLongProfileData method must be called prior to calling this method tuple Adverse Water Level Gradient Locations ( list x data, list y data )
tuple Adverse Energy Level Gradient Locations ( list x data, list y data )
getLongProfileData ( float Timestep, str Result Type, str Channel ID, [optional] str 2nd Channel ID ) Returns long profile data from a given channel to another channel. If no second channel is specified will continue until no further channels downstream bool Error
str Message
tuple Profile Data ( list x values, list y values )
getLongProfileTimeOfMax () Returns the time of maximum water level along the current profile. Note getLongProfileData method must be called prior to calling this method list x values
list y values
getPipes () Returns any pipe or culvert data in the current profile. Note getLongProfileData method must be called prior to calling this method list pipes [ list pipe vertexes [ tuple vertex ( x point, y point ) ] ]
getTimeSeriesData ( str Element, str Result Type, [optional] str domain ) Returns time series data for the given element (1D node, 1D channel, 2D PO, RL) for a the given result type. If there are duplicate names between 1D, PO, or RL elements it will give priority return to 1D elements first, PO elements second, and lastly RL elements unless 'domain' variable is explicitly specified (domain options: '1D', '2D', 'RL') bool Error
str Message
tuple time series data ( list x data, list y data )
load ( str Filepath ) Loads result file. File formats are *.tpc for TUFLOW release 2016 and later, or *.info for TUFLOW release 2013 bool Error
str Message
longProfileResultTypes () list Result Types
maximum ( str Element, str Result Type, [optional] str Domain ) Returns the maximum result value for the given element (1D node, 1D channel, 2D PO, RL) for the given result type. If there are duplicate names between 1D, PO, or RL elements it will give priority return to 1D elements first, PO elements second, and lastly RL elements unless 'domain' variable is explicitly specified (domain options: '1D', '2D', 'RL') bool Error
str Message
float Maximum Value
maximumTimestepChange ( str Element, str Result Type, [optional] str Domain ) Returns the maximum change in result value in one timestep for the given element (RL elements supported only) for the given result type. If there are duplicate names between 1D, PO, or RL elements it will give priority return to 1D elements first, PO elements second, and lastly RL elements unless 'domain' variable is explicitly specified (domain options: '1D', '2D', 'RL') bool Error
str Message
float Maximum Value
name () Returns the name of the result str Name
nodeCount () Returns the total number of nodes in the results int Count
nodeDownstream ( str Channel ID ) Returns the name of the downstream node of a given channel str Node ID
nodeResultTypes ( str Channel ID ) Returns a list of all the available result types for nodes list Result Types
nodes () Returns a list of all the node IDs in the results list Node IDs
nodeUpstream ( str Channel ID ) Returns the name of the upstream node of a given channel str Node ID
poNames () Returns a list of all the available Plot Output names list PO ID
poResultTypes () Returns a list of all the available Plot Output result types list Result Types
rlCount () Returns the total number of Reporting Locations (of all geometry type) in the results int Count
rlLineCount () Returns the total number of line Reporting Locations in the results int Count
rlNames () Returns a list of all the Reporting Location names list RL ID
rlPointCount () Returns the total number of point Reporting Locations in the results int Count
rlRegionCount () Returns the total number of region Reporting Locations in the results int Count
rlResultTypes () Returns a list of all the available Reporting Location result types list Result Types
source () Returns the full file path to the source result file (*.tpc or *.info) str Path
timeOfMaximum ( str Element, str Result Type, [optional] str Domain ) Returns the time of maximum for the given element (1D node, 1D channel, 2D PO, RL) for the given result type. If there are duplicate names between 1D, PO, or RL elements it will give priority return to 1D elements first, PO elements second, and lastly RL elements unless 'domain' variable is explicitly specified (domain options: '1D', '2D', 'RL') bool Error
str Message
float Time (hrs)
timeOfMaximumTimestepChange ( str Element, str Result Type, [optional] str Domain ) Returns the time of maximum for change in result value in one timestep for the given element (RL elements supported only) for the given result type. If there are duplicate names between 1D, PO, or RL elements it will give priority return to 1D elements first, PO elements second, and lastly RL elements unless 'domain' variable is explicitly specified (domain options: '1D', '2D', 'RL') bool Error
str Message
float Time (hrs)


channelConnectionCount ( Node ID )
Returns the number of channels connected to a given node

Node ID: str
Name or ID of node e.g. 'Chan_A.1'
Count: int
Number of connected channels


import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    node = 'Chan_A.1'
    conn_count = res.channelConnectionCount(node)
    # print to console    
    print('{0} channels connected to {1}'.format(conn_count, node))
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


channelConnections ( Node ID )
Returns a list of the channels connected to a given node

Node ID: str
Name or ID of node e.g. 'Chan_A.1'
Out: list
List of connected channels e.g. ['Chan_A', 'Chan_B']


import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    node = 'Chan_A.1'
    conn_chans = res.channelConnections(node)
    # print to console    
    print('Channels connected to {0}:'.format(node))
    for chan in conn_chans:
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


channelCount ()
Returns the total number of channels in results

Count: int
Number of channels


import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    chan_count = res.channelCount()
    # print to console    
    print('{0} channels in results'.format(chan_count))
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


channelResultTypes ()
Returns a list of all the available result types for channels

Out: list
List of result types e.g. ['Q', 'V']


import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    chan_rt = res.channelResultTypes()
    # print to console    
    print('Available channel result types:')
    for rt in chan_rt:
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


channels ()
Returns a list of all the channels IDs in the results

Out: list
List of channels e.g. ['Chan_A', 'Chan_B', 'Chan_C']


import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    chans = res.channels()
    # print to console    
    for chan in chans:
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


channelsDownstream ( Node ID )
Returns a list of all the channels downstream of a given node

Node ID: str
Name or ID of node e.g. 'Chan_A.1'
Out: list
List of channels e.g. ['Chan_B']


import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    node = 'Chan_A.1'
    dns_chans = res.channelsDownstream(node)
    # print to console    
    print('Channels downstream of {0}:'.format(node))
    for chan in dns_chans:
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


channelsUpstream ( Node ID )
Returns a list of all the channels upstream of a given node

Node ID: str
Name or ID of node e.g. 'Chan_A.1'
Out: list
List of channels e.g. ['Chan_A']


import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    node = 'Chan_A.1'
    ups_chans = res.channelsUpstream(node)
    # print to console    
    print('Channels upstream of {0}:'.format(node))
    for chan in ups_chans:
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


format ()
Returns the result format i.e. '2013' or '2016'

Format: str
Format of results e.g. '2016'


import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    format = res.format()
    # print to console    
    print('Results format: {0}'.format(format)
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


getAdverseGradients ()
Returns locations of any adverse water level or energy level (if result type available) gradients in long profile. Note getLongProfileData method must be called prior to calling this method

Adverse water level gradients: tuple
( list x data, list y data ) e.g. ([0, 5], [10, 12])
Adverse energy level gradients: tuple
( list x data, list y data ) e.g. ([0, 5], [11, 14])


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # plotting library
import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before continuing
if not err:
    # initialise plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    # get long profiles and add to plot
    chan = 'Chan_A'
    timestep = 1.0
    result_types = ['Bed Level', 'H']  # get both water level and bed level
    for rt in result_types:
        err_lp, mess_lp, data = res.getLongProfileData(timestep, rt, chan)
        # check for error before plotting
        if not err_lp:
            x, y = data
            ax.plot(x, y, label=rt)
            # error occurred getting long profile data, print error message to console

    # check for adverse gradients
    adv = res.getAdverseGradients()
    for i, data in enumerate(adv):
        x, y = data

        # get appropriate label
        # getAdverseGradients() returns 2 datasets:
        # first dataset adverse water level
        # second dataset adverse energy level
        if i == 0:  # first dataset
            label = 'Adverse Water Levels'
        else:  # second dataset
            label = 'Adverse Energy Levels' 

        # add to plot as points
        ax.plot(x, y, label=label, marker='o', linestyle='None')
    # add legend to plot
    lines, labs = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    ax.legend(lines, labs)
    # show plot
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


getLongProfileData ( Timestep, Result Type, Channel ID, [optional] 2nd Channel ID )
Returns long profile data from a given channel to another channel. If no second channel is specified will continue until no further channels downstream

Timestep: float or str
Output timestep to plot. Can be a value e.g. 1.5 or string e.g. 'max'
Result Type: str
Result type e.g. 'H'
Channel ID: str
Starting channel for long profile e.g. 'Chan_A'
2nd Channel ID: str
Optional downstream channel ID to stop the long profile at e.g. 'Chan_D'
Error: bool
Returns False on success, True when an error occurred
Message: str
Accompanying error message if an error occurred
Data: tuple
x data points: list
data point: float
y data points: list
data point: float
e.g. ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [10, 20, 30, 20, 10, 0]


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # plotting library
import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before continuing
if not err:
    # initialise plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    # get long profiles and add to plot
    chan = 'Chan_A'
    timestep = 1.0
    result_types = ['Bed Level', 'H']  # get both water level and bed level
    for rt in result_types:
        err_lp, mess_lp, data = res.getLongProfileData(timestep, rt, chan)
        # check for error before plotting
        if not err_lp:
            x, y = data
            ax.plot(x, y, label=rt)
            # error occurred getting long profile data, print error message to console

    # add legend to plot
    lines, labs = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    ax.legend(lines, labs)
    # show plot
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


getLongProfileTimeOfMax ()
Returns the time of maximum water level along the current profile. Note getLongProfileData method must be called prior to calling this method

x data: list
x points for plotting time of max along long profile e.g. [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
y data: list
y points for plotting time of max along long profile e.g. [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # plotting library
import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before continuing
if not err:
    # initialise plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    # get long profiles and add to plot
    chan = 'Chan_A'
    timestep = 'max'  # maximum result along profile
    result_types = ['Bed Level', 'H']  # get both water level and bed level
    for rt in result_types:
        err_lp, mess_lp, data = res.getLongProfileData(timestep, rt, chan)
        # check for error before plotting
        if not err_lp:
            x, y = data
            ax.plot(x, y, label=rt)
            # error occurred getting long profile data, print error message to console

    # also plot time of max water level on secondary axis
    tom_x, tom_y = res.getLongProfileTimeOfMaximum()
    ax2 = ax.twinx()  # initialise secondary axis

    # add to plot on secondary axis
    ax2.plot(tom_x, tom_y, label='Time of Maximum', linestyle='--')
    # combine axis legends and add to plot
    lines, labs = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    lines2, labs2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
    comb_lines = lines + lines2
    comb_labs = labs + labs2
    ax.legend(comb_lines, comb_labs)
    # show plot
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


getPipes ()
Returns any pipe or culvert data in the current profile. Note getLongProfileData method must be called prior to calling this method

Pipe list: list
Vertex list: list
Vertex coords: tuple
e.g. [[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)], [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2), (2, 1)]]


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # plotting library
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon  # will add pipes and culverts as polygon
import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before continuing
if not err:
    # initialise plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    # get long profiles and add to plot
    chan = 'Chan_A'
    timestep = 1.0
    result_types = ['Bed Level', 'H']  # get both water level and bed level
    for rt in result_types:
        err_lp, mess_lp, data = res.getLongProfileData(timestep, rt, chan)
        # check for error before plotting
        if not err_lp:
            x, y = data
            ax.plot(x, y, label=rt)
            # error occurred getting long profile data, print error message to console

    # get pipes and culverts and add to plot
    pipes = res.getPipes()
    for pipe in pipes:  # loop through all pipes
        polygon = Polygon(pipe, facecolor='0.9', edgecolor='0.5', label='Culverts and Pipes')
    # add legend to plot
    lines, labs = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()

    # filter duplicate legend items 
    # for example if there is more than one pipe or culvert we only want that to appear once in the legend
    unique_lines = []
    unique_labels = []
    for i, label in enumerate(labs):
        if label not in unique_labels:
    ax.legend(unique_lines, unique_labels)
    # show plot
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


getTimeSeriesData ( Element, Result Type, [optional] domain )
Returns time series data for the given element (1D node, 1D channel, 2D PO, RL) for a the given result type. If there are duplicate names between 1D, PO, or RL elements it will give priority return to 1D elements first, PO elements second, and lastly RL elements unless 'domain' variable is explicitly specified (domain options: '1D', '2D', 'RL')

Element: str
Channel, Node, PO, or RL element to get time series data for
Result Type: str
Result type e.g. 'H'
Domain: str
Optional input to specify which domain the Element belongs in. If left as default (None) and there are duplicate names between 1D, PO, or RL elements it will give priority return to 1D elements first, PO elements second, and lastly RL elements.
Error: bool
Returns False on success, True when an error occurred
Message: str
Accompanying error message if an error occurred
Data: tuple
x data points: list
y data points: list
e.g. ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [10, 20, 30, 20, 10, 0]

Plotting results for multiple elements on the same graph

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # plotting library
import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before continuing
if not err:
    # initialise plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    # get time series data and add to plot
    elements = ['Chan_A', 'Chan_B', 'Chan_C']
    result_type = 'Q'
    for element in elements:
        err_ts, mess_ts, data = res.getTimeSeriesData(element, result_type)
        # check for error before plotting
        if not err_ts:
            x, y = data
            ax.plot(x, y, label=element)
            # error occurred getting time series data, print error message to console
    # add legend to plot
    lines, labs = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    ax.legend(lines, labs)
    # show plot
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console

Plotting water level and velocity on the same plot using a secondary axis

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # plotting library
import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before continuing
if not err:
    # initialise plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    # initialise secondary axis
    ax2 = ax.twinx()

    # get time series data and add to plot
    elements = ['Chan_A', 'Chan_B', 'Chan_C']
    result_types = ['Q', 'V']
    for element in elements:
        for result_type in result_types:
            err_ts, mess_ts, data = res.getTimeSeriesData(element, result_type)
            # check for error before plotting
            if not err_ts:
                x, y = data
                label = '{0}: {1}'.format(result_type, element)

                # plot Q on first axis, V on secondary axis
                if result_type == 'Q':
                    # first axis
                    ax.plot(x, y, label=label)
                else:  # must be 'V'
                    # secondary axis
                    ax2.plot(x, y, label=label, linestyle='--')
                # error occurred getting time series data, print error message to console
    # combine primary and secondary axis items and add to legend
    lines, labs = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    lines2, labs2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
    lines_comb = lines + lines2
    labs_comb = labs + labs2
    ax.legend(lines_comb, labs_comb)
    # show plot
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console

Saving a separate plot for each element as a *.png

import os  # library for operating system file and directory manipulation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # plotting library
import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# save directory for figures
save_dir = r'C:TUFLOW\results\figures'

# check results were loaded successfully before continuing
if not err:
    # get time series data and add to plot
    elements = ['Chan_A', 'Chan_B', 'Chan_C']
    result_type = 'Q'
    for element in elements:
        err_ts, mess_ts, data = res.getTimeSeriesData(element, result_type)
        # check for error before plotting
        if not err_ts:
            # initialise plot
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            x, y = data
            ax.plot(x, y, label=element)
            # add legend to plot
            lines, labs = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
            ax.legend(lines, labs)

            # add axis labels
            ax.set_xlabel('Time (hrs)')
            ax.set_ylabel('Flow (m3/s)')

            # save fig
            save_name = 'Figure_{0}_{1}.png'.format(element, result_type)
            save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, save_name)

            # error occurred getting time series data, print error message to console
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


load ( Filepath )
Loads result file. File formats are *.tpc for TUFLOW release 2016 and later, or *.info for TUFLOW release 2013

Filepath: str
Full path to *.tpc or *.info
Error: bool
Returns False on success, returns True if an error occurred
Message: str
Accompanying error message if an error occurs


import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check if an error occurred
if err:
    # print message


longProfileResultTypes ()
Returns list of available long profile result types

out: list
List of available result types for long profile plotting


import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    lp_rt = res.longProfileResultTypes()
    # print to console    
    print('Available long profile result types:')
    for rt in lp_rt:
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


maximum ( Element, Result Type, [optional] Domain )
Returns the maximum result value for the given element (1D node, 1D channel, 2D PO, RL) for the given result type. If there are duplicate names between 1D, PO, or RL elements it will give priority return to 1D elements first, PO elements second, and lastly RL elements unless 'domain' variable is explicitly specified (domain options: '1D', '2D', 'RL')

Element: str
Channel, Node, or RL element to get maximum result for. PO results do not currently support getting maximum value.
Result Type: str
Result type e.g. 'H'
Domain: str
Optional input to specify which domain the Element belongs in. If left as default (None) and there are duplicate names between 1D, PO, or RL elements it will give priority return to 1D elements first, PO elements second, and lastly RL elements.
Error: bool
Returns False on success, True when an error occurred
Message: str
Accompanying error message if an error occurred
Maximum float
Maximum result

Maximum flow in a channel

import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    channel = 'Chan_A'
    maximum = res.maximum(channel, 'Q')
    # print to console    
    print('Max flow at {0} is {1} m3/s'.format(channel, maximum)
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console

Maximum water level at a node

import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    node = 'Chan_A.1'
    maximum = res.maximum(channel, 'H')
    # print to console    
    print('Max water level at {0} is {1} mRL'.format(node, maximum)
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


maximumTimestepChange ( Element, Result Type, [optional] Domain )
Returns the maximum change in result value in one timestep for the given element (RL elements supported only) for the given result type. If there are duplicate names between 1D, PO, or RL elements it will give priority return to 1D elements first, PO elements second, and lastly RL elements unless 'domain' variable is explicitly specified (domain options: '1D', '2D', 'RL')

Element: str
RL element to get maximum change in a single timestep for. Currently RL elements are the only supported type.
Result Type: str
Result type e.g. 'H'
Domain: str
Optional input to specify which domain the Element belongs in. If left as default (None) and there are duplicate names between 1D, PO, or RL elements it will give priority return to 1D elements first, PO elements second, and lastly RL elements.
Error: bool
Returns False on success, True when an error occurred
Message: str
Accompanying error message if an error occurred
Maximum float
Maximum value change in any given timestep


import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    loc = 'Reporting Location 1'
    tsMaximum = res.maximumTimestepChange(channel, 'Q')
    # print to console    
    print('Max flow change in any given timestep at {0} is {1} m3/s'.format(loc, tsMaximum)
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


name ()
Returns the name of the result

Name: str
Name of results


import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    name =
    # print to console    
    print('Results from {0} loaded successfully.format(name))
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


nodeCount ()
Returns the total number of nodes in the results

Count: int
Number of nodes


import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    node_count = res.nodeCount()
    # print to console    
    print('{0} nodes in results.format(node_count))
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


nodeDownstream ( Channel ID )
Returns the name of the downstream node of a given channel

Channel ID: str
Name or ID of channel
Node ID: str
Name or ID of downstream node


import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    channel = 'Chan_A'
    dns_node = res.nodeDownstream(channel)
    # print to console    
    print('Downstream node of channel {0} is {1}'.format(channel, dns_node))
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console


nodeResultTypes ()
Returns a list of all the available result types for nodes

Out: list
List of available result types for nodes e.g. ['H', 'E']


import pytuflow as tu

# Initialise result class
res = tu.ResData()

# load .tpc result file
path = r'C:\TUFLOW\results\M04_5m_001.tpc'
err, message = res.load(path)

# check results were loaded successfully before calling function
if not err:
    result_types = res.nodeResultTypes()
    # print to console    
    print('Available result types for nodes are:)
    for result_type in result_types:
    # did not load correctly, print error message to console