TUFLOW Message 3005

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 3005 - Requested device "a" not found in available device list.

Alternate Message

Message Type

The NVidia GPU driver will enumerate the CUDA enabled GPUs as list of integers from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of GPUs available. By default TUFLOW will request device 0 if not specified by the user. If the user specifies a device index (either using "GPU Device Ids" command in the tcf or "-pu" command line argument) then it will attempt to connect with this GPU index. An error will occur if the user requests a device index that is outside of the range 0 ... N-1.

Ensure that the "GPU Device Ids" tcf command or "-pu" command line argument refers to a valid GPU device ID number for the machine.

Note: The command line argument will override the tcf command if both are used.

Example: For a machine with 1 GPU available (integer = 0), if a non valid GPU device ID number is specified in the tcf file such as GPU Device Ids == 3, the following message error: "ERROR 3005 - Requested device "3" not found in available device list" will be triggered in the hpc.tlf and the available GPU devices will be presented in the .tlf file: "Found 1 GPU devices". To fix the issue in that case, it would be suggested to replace the following command GPU Device Ids == 3 in the tcf file with GPU Device Ids == 0.

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