TUFLOW Viewer - Exporting An Animation

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Tool Description

Animations can be exported from TUFLOW Viewer for all accepted result types (map outputs, time series, particles etc). The process for animation creation is the same regardless of the result type and leverages the QGIS print layout. The tool will export an image for each timestep in a given range and then use ffmpeg to convert the images into a video. TUFLOW Viewer offers the additional functionality of adding dynamic plots and dynamic time text. It also offers convenience functionality for adding items such as a legend, images etc, however these can also be added manually in the print layout.

The following steps through the process of creating an animation with TUFLOW Viewer.

  1. Download ffmpeg - https://ffmpeg.org/download.html
    • ffmpeg is a free and powerful (and open source) video converter and manipulator. TUFLOW Viewer will call ffmpeg as the last step to create the video
    • TUFLOW Viewer will take care of all the interaction with ffmpeg and the user is not required to learn how to use ffmpeg
  2. Open the export animation tool via Export >> Export Animation
    Animation Export Animation Menu.PNG
  3. Set the General settings
    Animation Export Animation General Settings.PNG
    1. Start Time - The output time to start on
    2. End Time - The output time to end on
    3. Result - The result to animate - currently can only animate one result (result types with the same name (time series, particles - particles will have _ptm in its name) will be included in the same animation
    4. Active Scalar Result - Active scalar result type to animate - can only choose one, can select -None- to not use any
    5. Active Vector Result - Active vector result type to animate - can only choose one, can select -None- to not use any
    6. Width - Animation video width - can be changed later in the print layout - will be overriden by template if one is specified
    7. Height - Animation video height - can be changed later in the print layout - will be overriden by template if one is specified
    8. Output - Output location of video file
    9. Revert to old method - Kept for backward compatibility - will ignore Target Duration and the duration will be determined by number of output timesteps (i.e. the frames) and the speed
    10. Speed - Animation video frames per second (fps) - unless using the 'old method' this will not affect the video duration. Will not interpolate between frames, however can still produce a smoother video in some situations over the 'old method'
    11. Target Duration - Animation duration - this setting is ignored if using the 'old method'



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