Check Files 2d sac

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The _2d_sac or _2d_sac_R is only created if a "Read GIS SA ==" command has been specified in the model. This file contains information on the lowest or streams cells for each SA boundary region.

Attributes of _sac_check file

Attribute Name Attribute Description
BC_Desc This contains a description of the boundary name and the number of cells this applies to. An example is:

Lowest 2D cell for Inflow "FC04" (ZC = 40.67; No. Cells = 42)
This indicates that the boundary name is "FC04" and the minimum cell elevation is 40.67 and a total number of cells within the SA region is 42.
The BC_Name attribute also differentiates between the different types of SA cells which are:

  • SA Stream Cell
  • SA Pit Cell
  • SA Lowest Cell
BC_Name The boundary name, e.g. "FC04"
BC_Group If using boundary groups, this is the boundary group. If boundary groups are not used, this attribute will be blank.

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