FM Tute M01 MI 1D2D Banks

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    In this section we will define the bank elevations of the watercourse. These are the elevations of the 1D/2D boundary cells that link the 1D Flood Modeller watercourse to the 2D TUFLOW floodplain. Note that it is these cell elevations that determine whether out of bank flooding occurs and not the left/right bank elevations with the Flood Modeller 1D cross-sections.


  1. Import in an empty 2d_bc_empty.mif layer from within the FMT_tutorial\FMT_M01\TUFLOW\model\mi\empty folder.
  2. Save the layer as 2d_bc_FMT_M01_HX_001_P.TAB in the FMT_tutorial\FMT_M01\TUFLOW\model\mi folder.
  3. Open the 1D_2D_Points_P.TAB GIS layer from the Module_Data\Module_01\mi folder. Select all objects from within this layer, copy and paste into 2d_bc_FMT_M01_HX_001_P.TAB.
  4. Interrogate one of the digitised points and inspect the attributes. The ‘type’ attribute is ‘ZP’ to denote that it is a z-point. The ‘f’ attribute is the elevation of the bank link in mAOD.
  5. Now add the layer 2d_bc_FMT_M01_HX_001_L.TAB from the FMT_tutorial\FMT_M01\TUFLOW\model\mi folder created in the previous step. Note that all the 'ZP' points created in the layer 2d_bc_FMT_M01_HX_001_P.TAB are snapped to vertices of the layer 2d_bc_FMT_M01_HX_001_L.TAB. This is because these two layers work together to define the bank locations and crest elevations. The layer line in 2d_bc_FMT_M01_HX_001_L.TAB defines the location and the layer points in 2d_bc_FMT_M01_HX_001_P.TAB defines the elevations.
    FMT 1D-2D ZP.jpg
  6. Export to .MIF format in preparation for reading into TUFLOW.
  7. Key Tip!

    The bank (1D/2D boundary) elevations may also be defined using a 2d_zsh layer or other 3D breakline layer. The advantage of using a 2d_bc layer is it ensures the boundary cell elevations are raised and not that of adjacent cells.

    Please return to the Flood Modeller Tutorial Model.