TUFLOW Empty Files

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The native non-Graphical User Interface (GUI) form of TUFLOW uses Geographic Information System (GIS) files for its spatial inputs. TUFLOW requires precise GIS file formats associated with specific TUFLOW commands. The required fields for each input type are listed in the TUFLOW Manual. For example, the 2d_zsh_empty file associated with the Read GIS Z Shape == command requires the following data fields and types in the order shown below:

2d zsh fields.png

Because of this file format requirement, the first task in any modelling project is to write template (empty) GIS files in the specific model projection system (as demonstrated in Tutorial Module 1).

This page of the TUFLOW Wiki provides a reference list of the template (empty) GIS files, the associated TUFLOW command and a basic description of their function.

Note: when using the shapefile format TUFLOW creates a dummy entry when creating empty files. Importing an empty layer into QGIS using the Import Empty tool, will remove this dummy entry. Opening a template empty file directly in QGIS (without using the Import Empty tool), the dummy entry will remain in the layer and garbled text shown in the attribute fields.

TUFLOW Control file (TCF)

Template (empty) GIS File Compatible TUFLOW Commands File / Command Function
2d_at_empty Read GIS Auto Terminate == Used to define locations where auto terminate tracking is desired.
2d_cyc_empty Read GIS Cyclone == Used to apply a cyclone or hurricane boundary within TUFLOW, capturing the effects of wind and pressure fields created by severe storms, which can affect flooding and inundation in coastal area.
Read GIS Hurricane ==
2d_fc_empty Read GIS FC == Used for 2D flow constrictions, representing additional losses associated with bridges or box culverts. This command has been superseded with the TGC commands:
Read GIS FC Shape
Read GIS Layered FC Shape.

The template file and command only remain for the purpose of version backward compatibility.

2d_glo_empty Read GIS GLO == Used to define gauge level output (2d_glo) locations. The GLO command controls map output based on the height of the water at a specified location within the model domain.
2d_iwl_empty Read GIS IWL == Sets the initial water level in the model at the start of the simulation. The initial water level can vary spatially within the model. An equivalent initial Water level command also exists in the TGC.
2d_lp_empty Read GIS LP == This file contains details on the location of longitudinal profile outputs.
2d_oz_empty Read GIS Output Zone == This file contains one or more polygons defining the 2D regions to be output. This model input is used with the command Model Output Zones and the Define Output Zone/End Define definition block.
2d_po_empty Read GIS PO == This file contains lines and points defining plot output (PO) locations for 2D result time series graphs in Excel. PO only extracts results from 2D portions of the model. 1D results are ignored.
0d_rl_empty Read GIS Reporting Location == This file contains lines and points defining Reporting Location(s) (RL) for 1D and 2D result time series graphs in Excel.
1d_wllp_empty Read GIS XP WLL Points == Used to define the elevations (usually from a DTM) and material values across the WLLs. This offers high quality viewing and mapping of the 1D domains.
Read GIS ISIS WLL Points ==
Note: Template shapefiles will also include a suffix describing the object type:

_L = Lines features
_P = Point features
_R = Region (polygon) features

ESTRY Control file (ECF)

Template (empty) GIS File Compatible TUFLOW Commands File / Command Function
1d_bc_empty Read GIS BC == Used to define the location and type of 1D boundary condition input.
1d_iwl_empty Read GIS IWL == Used to set the initial water level within a 1D channel or node at the start of a simulation.
1d_lc_empty Read GIS Table Links == Used to provide links to tabular data of loss versus height coefficients at a structure. The LC stands for Loss Coefficients.
1d_mh_empty Read GIS Manhole == Used to define manhole locations and attributes.
1d_na_empty Read GIS Node == Used to set nodal surface areas.
1d_nd_empty Read GIS Node == Used to define 1D node locations and attributes.
1d_nwk_empty Read GIS Network == Used to define channel and node locations and attributes. Common channel types include, open channels, culverts, bridges, weirs.
1d_nwkb_empty Read GIS Network == Used to define channel and node locations and attributes. Common channel types include, open channels, culverts, bridges, weirs. The difference between the 1d_nwkb and standard 1d_nwk is that the pblockage attribute field accepts characters allowing the user to input matrix blockage.
1d_nwke_empty Read GIS Network == Used to define grouped structure locations and attributes. For example, weirs representing overtopping of a bridge or culvert structure can be specified using a single GIS feature in the 1d_nwke file. By comparison, multiple line features would be required if the same input was defined in a 1d_nwk file.
1d_pit_empty Read GIS Pits == Defines the location and attributes associated with virtual pipes for a GPU model.
1d_tab_empty Read GIS Table Links == Reads links to tabular inputs associated with cross-section profiles (1d_xs), nodal surface areas (1d_na) and bridge loss coefficients (1d_bg).
1d_wll_empty Read GIS WLL == Used to translate 1D results into 2D map output for viewing in SMS, WaterRide, Blue Kenu and GIS Software.
1d_wllp_empty Read GIS WLL Points == Used to define the elevations (usually from a DTM) and material values across the WLLs. This offers high quality viewing and mapping of the 1D domains.
1d_xs_empty Read GIS Table Links == Used to set cross-section profiles and hydraulic properties.
Note: Template shapefiles will also include a suffix describing the object type:

_L = Lines features
_P = Point features
_R = Region (polygon) features

TUFLOW Geometry Control file (TGC)

Template (empty) GIS File Compatible TUFLOW Commands File / Command Function
2d_ad_ic_empty Read GIS IGW Conc Layer N1,N2,...N Tracer M1,M2,...M == Sets the spatial distribution (polygons) of the initial concentrations for a given tracer (M1,M2,..,M) in the TUFLOW AD module. This layer is read into the initial condition field of the AD Global Database (.csv) file.
2d_ad_md_empty Read GIS IGW Conc Layer N1,N2,...N Tracer M1,M2,...M == Sets the spatial distribution (polygons) of the minimum dispersion coefficients for a given tracer (M1,M2,...,M) in the TUFLOW AD module. This layer is read into the minimum dispersion field of the AD Global Database (.csv) file.
2d_bc_empty Read GIS Code BC == Used to set the code status of a cell (active or inactive).

This is an alternative method to: "2d_code_empty / Read GIS Code ==".
Note: "2d_bc_empty" CANNOT be used with Read GIS Code ==

Read GIS Z HX Line == Used in combination with 2d_bc (HX) layer from the TBC to set the cell elevations along HX lines at the interface between 1D channels nested with a 2D domain.
2d_bg_empty Read GIS BG Shape == Used for 2D flow constrictions to represent additional losses associated with bridges or box culverts. This input includes accounts for flow above and below the bridge obvert (soffit).
2d_code_empty Read GIS Code == Used to set the code status of a cell (1 = active or 0 = inactive).
Read GIS Code INVERT == Used to set the code status of a cell (active or inactive). The inverse value defined by the Read GIS Code == is applied. This feature is most commonly used during in multiple domain 2D2D models, as discussed in Multiple 2D Modelling Advice.
2d_cwf_empty Read GIS CWF == Used to define location to reduced 2D cell flow width.
2d_fcsh_empty Read GIS FC Shape == Used for 2D flow constrictions to represent additional losses associated with bridges or box culverts. This input only account for flow below the bridge obvert (soffit).
2d_flc_empty Read GIS FLC == Used to apply an additional energy loss at the 2D cell side. The form or energy loss can be applied as fixed values or on a form loss per unit length basis.
2d_gw_empty Read GIS GWL == Ground water level inputs.
Read GIS GWD ==
2d_hx_empty Read GIS Z Line == Used to define the locations of 2D boundaries and 2D/1D dynamic links. For large models it may be wise to separate the boundary conditions from the 1D/2D links, in which case the 2d_bc prefix can be substituted with 2d_hx_ and 2d_sx_. Cell code values may also be defined in this layer.
2d_iwl_empty Read GIS IWL == Sets the initial water level in the model at the start of the simulation. The initial water level can vary spatially within the model. An equivalent initial Water level command also exists in the TCF.
2d_Ifcsh_empty Read GIS Layered FC Shape == Used for 2D flow constrictions to represent additional losses associated with bridges or box culverts. This input includes accounts for flow above and below the bridge obvert (soffit).
2d_loc_empty Read GIS Location == Used to define the 2D mesh (grid) origin and orientation.
2d_mat_empty Read GIS MAT == Used to define 2D materials (land use) inputs.
2d_obj_empty Read GIS Objects == Used to represent receptors (such as properties or buildings). TUFLOW records the flood level and simulation time at one or more gauge(s) when receptors are first inundated above their trigger inundation levels (e.g. floor levels).
2d_rec_empty Read GIS Objects == Used to represent receptors (such as properties or buildings). TUFLOW records the flood level and simulation time at one or more gauge(s) when receptors are first inundated above their trigger inundation levels (e.g. floor levels).
2d_soil_empty Read GIS Soil == Used to define 2D soil type inputs for infiltration parameterisation.
2d_sx_empty Read GIS Z Line == Used to define the locations of 2D boundaries and 2D/1D dynamic links. For large models it may be wise to separate the boundary conditions from the 1D/2D links, in which case the 2d_bc prefix can be substituted with 2d_hx_ and 2d_sx_. Cell code values may also be defined in this layer.
2d_vzsh_empty Read GIS Variable Z Shape == Used to define the final 3D shape of the Zpts at the completion of a breach, or other change in topographic shape, during a simulation.
2d_wrf_empty Read GIS Wrf == Used to adjust the weir factor locally, e.g. faces along a road embankment.
2d_z_empty Read GIS Z Line == Used to update topography within a model. Polylines are treated as breaklines in the model’s topography (with the breakline height or elevation varying along its length). This command has been superseded with the TGC commands:
Read GIS GIS Z Shape

The template file and command only remain for the purpose of version backward compatibility.

2d_za_empty Read GIS Zpts == Used to define areas (polygons) of elevations at a constant height. This file is typically created by renaming the 2d_z__empty file
2d_zlg_empty Read GIS Z Line == Used to define the crest of ridges (e.g. levees, embankments) or thalweg of gullies (e.g. drains, creeks). Ridges and gullies cannot occur in the same layer so 2d_zlr_ is often used for ridges and 2d_zlg_ for gullies. These files are typically created by renaming the 2d_z__empty file.
2d_zln_empty Read GIS Z Line == Used to define the crest of ridges (e.g. levees, embankments) or thalweg of gullies (e.g. drains, creeks). Ridges and gullies cannot occur in the same layer so 2d_zlr_ is often used for ridges and 2d_zlg_ for gullies. These files are typically created by renaming the 2d_z__empty file.
2d_zlr_empty Read GIS Z Line == Used to define the crest of ridges (e.g. levees, embankments) or thalweg of gullies (e.g. drains, creeks). Ridges and gullies cannot occur in the same layer so 2d_zlr_ is often used for ridges and 2d_zlg_ for gullies. These files are typically created by renaming the 2d_z__empty file.
2d_zpt_empty Read GIS Zpts == Used to define the elevations at the 2D cells mid-sides, corners and centres.
2d_zsh_empty Read GIS Z Shape == Used to update topography within a model. Polylines are treated as breaklines in the model’s topography (with the breakline height or elevation varying along its length). Polygons and point features can be used to create TINs which are either independent of, or alternatively merge with the surrounding topography.
2d_zshr_empty Read GIS Z Shape Route == Used to provide output on the degree of inundation along evacuation routes. This feature is useful during flood evacuation assessments. The model output includes details on warning time, flood hazard (e.g. depth and velocity) and duration that an evacuation route is isolated.
2d_ztin_empty Read Grid Zpts == Used to define 2D and 3D shapes for changing the elevations. Lines can be specified with a width (thickness), and polygons are used as the boundaries for creating TINs (triangulations).
Note: Template shapefiles will also include a suffix describing the object type:

_L = Lines features
_P = Point features
_R = Region (polygon) features

TUFLOW Boundary Control file (TBC)

Template (empty) GIS File Compatible TUFLOW Commands File / Command Function
2d_bc_empty Read GIS BC == Used to define the location and attributes of 2D model boundary conditions. Including:
  • External flow verse time boundaries
  • External flow verse water level boundaries
  • External water level verse time boundaries
  • Internal 1D/2D connections
  • Internal 2D/2D connections
2d_rf_empty Read GIS RF == Used for "direct rainfall" modelling, also called "rainfall on grid" or "distributed hydrology" modelling.
2d_sa_empty Read GIS SA == Used to define the location of internal source area flow verse time boundaries.
Read GIS Streams ==
2d_sa_po_empty Read GIS SA PO == Used to define areas (polygons) of seepage or infiltration that depend on varying water level or flow rate elsewhere in the model. This model input is used with the TCF command, Read GIS PO ==.
2d_sa_rf_empty Read GIS SA RF == Used to define the location of internal source area flow verse time boundaries. The model input is specified using rainfall hyetographs (mm versus hours) instead of flow hydrographs (flow verse time).
2d_sa_tr_empty Read GIS SA Trigger == Used to define the polygons of sub-catchment areas for applying a source (flow) or rainfall directly onto 2D domains. 2d_sa_tr includes additional attributes required for the SA Trigger option.
2d_strm_empty Read GIS Streams == Used to define streamlines that are used in conjunction with the 'Read GIS SA' or 'Read GIS SA Stream Only' commands.
Note: Template shapefiles will also include a suffix describing the object type:

_L = Lines features
_P = Point features
_R = Region (polygon) features

TUFLOW Quadtree Control File (QCF)

Template (empty) GIS File Compatible TUFLOW Commands File / Command Function
2d_qnl_empty Read GIS Nesting == Used to define polygons of mesh refinement (different levels).
Note: Template shapefiles will also include a suffix describing the object type:

_L = Lines features
_P = Point features
_R = Region (polygon) features

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