TUFLOW Message 0021

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 0021 - No Event/Scenario name specified for -e/s<#> in input filename.

Alternate Message

Message Type

An event (~e~) or scenario (~s~) flag exists in the filename for which no event/scenario has been specified. For example, Flood_~e1~_001.tcf has been started with no specification for the name of event ~e1~.

Ensure that each event/scenario flag in the filename has a name specified using either the -e/-s run time options in the batch file, or the Model Event == and Model Scenario == .tcf commands.

For more details on managing multiple events and scenarios see Section 4.12 of 2010 TUFLOW manual.

For details on using batch files looping to run multiple events see looping in a batch file on the wiki.

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